View Full Version : Persistent blood in saliva almost every morning

23-02-17, 13:59
Hi all
So I've been waking up for the last 2 months on and off with blood in my saliva I'm pretty sure its from a post nasal drip and only once the blood came out the front of the nose I was suspected of having a sinus infection 3 weeks back and was put on a course of antibiotics but that has not stopped the bleeding. Now the bleeding can range from fresh runny blood to a more darker thick jelly like blood to a very dark stringy like blood I'm sorry for the grossness so I was wondering if anyone is or has experienced anything like it to shed some light on the situation.
I'm also waiting to see a ENT specialist.

many thanks.

P.s this is the first time its all happening.

Oh almost forgot it only happens in the morning and pretty much clear through the day.

23-02-17, 14:23
I had this. It came on after a chest infection. The infection had cleared up weeks before but I noticed blood in my saliva. The color of my saliva was a orange/red color.

This went away as soon as I stopped worrying about it but for a few weeks I would spit in the sink several times a day to check. This made it worse because I was purposely clearing my throat to check. That in itself can cause blood.

Mine also used to happen in the morning.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.

23-02-17, 17:30
I had this. It came on after a chest infection. The infection had cleared up weeks before but I noticed blood in my saliva. The color of my saliva was a orange/red color.

This went away as soon as I stopped worrying about it but for a few weeks I would spit in the sink several times a day to check. This made it worse because I was purposely clearing my throat to check. That in itself can cause blood.

Mine also used to happen in the morning.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Thanks for the reply and I know what you mean about spitting in the sink all the time its almost become a habit.
I'm pretty sure the blood is coming from the back of the nose not the chest area I'm just hoping its nothing sinister anyway thanks again.

24-02-17, 13:31
Keep in mind that your throat and back of your sinuses may be dried out from mouth breathing while you sleep. That definitely can contribute to a little blood in the am as everything back there will be pretty raw. Happens to me a lot!

Positive thoughts

24-02-17, 14:35
I had something very much what you said, bloody saliva, and it only happened in the mornings. It could just be some minor gum issues, that's what happened with me. Went to the dentist had my teeth cleaned, then I make sure to floss every night, stopped bleeding in the morning. Got lazy stopped flossing for a bit, started up again so went back to flossing and haven't had it since.

---------- Post added at 08:35 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ----------

I had something very much what you said, bloody saliva, and it only happened in the mornings. It could just be some minor gum issues, that's what happened with me. Went to the dentist had my teeth cleaned, then I make sure to floss every night, stopped bleeding in the morning. Got lazy stopped flossing for a bit, started up again so went back to flossing and haven't had it since.

24-02-17, 15:06
Thank you for the replies and I appreciate what you are saying about the bleeding gums aaron that is a possibility I have looked into but I know the blood is coming from the back of the nose into the throat. As for what fishman mentioned that does seem like the most likely reason for the bleeding considering ive been waking up almost every morning with the dry mouth of a panting dog on a hot sunny day. Normally I wouldnt worry as much but since my gp spotted a nasal polyp and all of a sudden I'm getting the bleeding its just getting me worked up not to mention I'm waiting to see a ent specialist. Anyway thanks again guys much appreciated.

24-02-17, 21:33
. As for what fishman mentioned that does seem like the most likely reason for the bleeding considering ive been waking up almost every morning with the dry mouth of a panting dog on a hot sunny day.

Back it up in that it doesn't happen the rest of the day and I believe you have your answer :)

Positive thoughts

24-02-17, 21:40
I used to grind my teeth in my sleep, which I seemed to have just quit doing. Anyway, it was not unheard of for me to wake up with dried, coagulated blood pooled in my cheek from biting my inner cheek. It scared the hell out of me the first time.

This does not really sound like what you are doing, but gum inflammation and other sources that are not something sinister can wreak havoc and leave blood behind. My advice would be to get a humidifier and put it where you sleep. Winter is dry, and I suspect you are getting cracked and burst blood vessels in your sleep from the dry air.

25-02-17, 00:30
Thank you all for the replies ill put this whole situation to rest now and remind myself of these comments next time it happens.
Ill eventually post what the ENT specialist suggested for anyone who is or will be having similar symptoms.

Thanks again.

15-11-17, 23:53
I know this is an old topic, however i found this useful as I am experiencing a similar thing and as such would like to share my experience.

I had started to hock up phlegm in the mornings, along with some red colour, this appeared to be from my blood nose from previous days, which i get quite often. However this persisted for a period of a month, and i began to get concerned.

Flash forward multiple visits to ENT emergency, regular emergency, countless doctors visits, 3 blood tests, urine tests, 2 different dentists, 2 ENT's check down my throat and all around in my sinus + a chest x-ray.

The problem is not fixed, however the best results and most likely cause i believe are my gums. I have had quite bad gingivitis and would have blood when i brushed, however the blood in the morning would be before i brushed, hence my concern. After having a full mouth clean (2 x 1 hour sessions) removing plaque etc. the symptoms cleared up somewhat (also am a hopeless tooth brusher, only once in the morning, never floss) and starting to brush twice a day and use mouth wash. That being said, i still have some blood in my spit in the morning, more so when i continually rake my tongue over my teeth and probably irritate my gums. I am going to a new dentist who thinks the first clean has still left some pockets of unhealthy gums.

(They also mentioned I probably grind my teeth in sleep and chew inside of mouth which which may cause blood)

I am hopelessly anxious about the whole thing, after my mother passing suddenly a few years ago and having a sudden health scare with my dad earlier this year, however hopefully this course of actions clears the symptoms up.

06-07-18, 14:07
I know this thread is old and I'm at work so I was only able to skim some responses. I've been spitting blood off and on in the mornings for about 3 or 4 weeks now. I spit in the sink when I wake up and there's blood. Sometimes spitting a couple of times clears it up and I'm good. Others (like today) I'll have to snort through my nose and hack a bit to get it. I'm sure that does nothing but cause more problems though.

Of course googling says I have lung cancer so I'm freaking out just a little bit.

06-07-18, 19:39
I have post nasal drip , with blood tinged in saliva it's not much blood really , but it still worries me , because it started like 3 months ago and still happening everyday , the blood in spit recently started last week. 3 months ago I went to the ER because I had back pain in my shoulder blade that till this day still hasn't gone away , it tends to come and go throughout the day. That day I got x-rays done , blood test , urine test , ekg and everything came back fine. So I don't really know what's going on , I'm 20 yrs old so this is strange to me.

20-07-23, 09:51
I'm getting this at the moment, first thing in the morning.
I suffer with my sinuses which can make me cough a little during the night.
I'm wondering where this blood comes from because I check my teeth and gums and can find no trace.