View Full Version : One eye going darker for a few seconds on standing....

23-02-17, 15:19
Hi there, this is my first posting but I have been reading the site (and taking great comfort from it!) for a while now.

I have terrible HA... which is slightly complicated by the fact that I do have a neurological disorder which is slowly chronic (I have had it since my teens so for nearly 30 years now) but which still does not have a full diagnosis (and I have seen numerous euros, had MRI's, gene tests etc. but I definitely have permanent patchy sensory deficits on my limbs and face etc. which are very slowly increasing with age. My latest, very good near, believes that this is an inflammatory disorder which is not fully understood yet... we shall see....

However my HA takes various forms and often jumps to completely unrelated (to my near disorder) problems.

I have always suffered from low blood pressure and often am a bit wobbly or have dark eyesight for a second or two if I stand up too quickly for instance... but now I am noticing that it is often my right eye that goes slightly dark and not my left.

I just wondered if anyone has had the same experience or... if it is something to worry about/is possibly just postural hypotension/is just a consequence of my very heightened experience of all sensations etc in my body?

I also have slightly different reactions in my pupils (one is more dilated in low light).. but then apparently so do 25% of the population and so does my mother so it once again might not be related to this.


24-02-17, 09:48
Anyone???? Am I the only one! Oh dear...

24-02-17, 21:04
Seems like this is a little specific for us more generic HA folk, Cancer, ALS, MS then we are your go-to people.... :)

When does it seem darker? I get it if i have been lying down looking at my phone and then look up but that is due to one eye taking in more light than the other just due to the angle that I am looking at my phone.

24-02-17, 22:06
I have orthostatic hypotension.

It simply means that when I stand up too fast my body doesn't react quickly enough against gravity and I sometimes will get so light headed I'll fall. I've never fainted, however it gets dark in one eye before the other. I don't pay too much attention to it because I usually just grab onto a wall for the 2-3 seconds as my body adjusts.

I'm pretty sure everyone has experienced this at least once. Some have it more constantly than others.

You might be just paying too close attention. Always consult your doctor for any worries or if it starts to really bother you!