View Full Version : Air hunger

23-02-17, 17:06
If you ever feel like you can't get air in, I have some tips that have helped me.

1. Breathe in through your nose for 5 seconds
2. Breathe out through your mouth for 7 seconds
3. Continue--it may take some time for you to build up to it (20-25 minutes), but even practicing this during the day can benefit you.
4. Do this throughout the day--maybe 3-4 times or whenever an attack hits

The problem is that you've probably taught yourself how to breath manually rather than naturally. The attacks are going to occur, and you'll feel the instinct to take a deep breathe in through your mouth. DONT DO IT! That's going to cause the sensation to feel worse.

Also, learn your triggers. For me, that's coffee, tea, red sauces, etc.
Anxiety attacks can also cause this as well. You may even benefit from visiting a speech therapist because they can teach you more exercises to help lessen and/or eliminate the attacks.

Catherine S
23-02-17, 18:04
I agree. Particularly when this happens as a result of tension through anxiety, because we end up shallow breathing and only using just the top section of the lungs. This can also upset the natural carbon dioxide and oxygen levels too, which only adds to the discomfort. So breathing exercises can really help. Thanks for sharing your tips.