View Full Version : Lump on gum

23-02-17, 17:24
Found a lump on my gum that has expanded a little bit over my tooth yesterday and panicking :weep:, what could it be?

http://i66.tinypic.com/noy1hy.jpg < Picture

I squeezed it and it bled a little and it moves off my tooth... Could it be an infection caused by food?

23-02-17, 20:45
Might be an abscessed tooth I would get into the Dennis ASAP.

Gary A
23-02-17, 20:46
Found a lump on my gum that has expanded a little bit over my tooth yesterday and panicking :weep:, what could it be?

http://i66.tinypic.com/noy1hy.jpg < Picture

I squeezed it and it bled a little and it moves off my tooth... Could it be an infection caused by food?

Could be an abscess coming from an infection within your tooth. See a dentist if it doesn't clear up, they can deal with it very easily.

23-02-17, 20:49
Might be an abscessed tooth I would get into the Dennis ASAP.

I agree... it does look like an abscess. Is that "Dennis the Dentist"? :D Damn You Auto Correct!

Positive thoughts

23-02-17, 21:30
Yep best visit a dentist, certainly nothing to worry about, but will give you some grief if not treated.

23-02-17, 21:36
I get swollen gums sometime if I floss to hard in one area, if will puff up like that. It usually takes a day or 2 to go down. I've had an abscess before and I never got a lump but it was a constant dull ache in the tooth.

23-02-17, 22:03
Yep best visit a dentist, certainly nothing to worry about, but will give you some grief if not treated.

The lump is a classic sign of an abscess and yes it is something to be worried about, get in to the dentist.

23-02-17, 22:08
The lump is a classic sign of an abscess and yes it is something to be worried about, get in to the dentist.

"Something to be worried about" is a relative thing round here. I meant it's something to get seen to but it's nothing sinister. Sorry if it sounded like I was downplaying.

23-02-17, 22:15
Could be abscess. Or it could be swollen gums (i.e. Gingivitis). It could also be swollen from cutting the gum when flossing. I did that once fairly recently. It was BUTT ugly!

---------- Post added at 17:15 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

But, yes, I would see the dentist about it.

bin tenn
23-02-17, 23:17
I agree seeing a dentist is a good idea, in the event that it is an abscess. It does, however, look very similar to swollen gums (no infection). I've had it before, most often caused by irritation from food (e.g. a chip cuts the gums).

24-02-17, 00:20
I woke up with a lump in my lower gum, too! Weird. :scared15:
It is very painful. I ate some nachos last night, so I'm assuming I must've cut or scraped my gum on a sharp piece of chip.
I hope yours gets better soon. Try salt-water swishes; that's what I am doing.

Best of luck.