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View Full Version : My heart skips alot of beats after waking up

23-02-17, 18:22
I've had years of experience with palpitations such as skipped beats and flutters i have pvcs which ive seen on a monitor. Im 25 years old slim, and i experience heart palpitations daily, but they are really bad when i wake up and get up when i stand up out of bed my heart starts skipping every other beat, this happens more if i stayed up late the night before and i wake feeling really tired and drained. Well it did it just a few minutes ago and it also made my heart jumo up to 120 bpm for a few minutes but now its calming down. Usually after i get up and get the day started it goes away for the most part. I have had 2 echocardiograms in the past 2 years also i have had 2 chest xrays alot of blood work ekgs and i was monitored for a total of 5 days and they said my heart is healthy. Also when i vomit i experience afib which I'm told it has something to do with the vagal nerve because it only happens when i strain really hard during vomiting this has happened 2 times in 2 years. My family has a history of heart palpitations but nobody has ever gad any real trouble with their heart that was serious enough to cause any problems. Do you guys have any idea why my heart does this? Because the doctors couldn't find anything wrong.

---------- Post added at 12:22 ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 ----------

A good example of my heart is to imagine staring up an old car and when you put it in drive and start to take of it backfires and jumps around but once you get it going down the road it smooths out. It's like my heart has sone trouble getting adjusted to me going from sleep or relaxing to walking around.

bin tenn
23-02-17, 23:15
I get a racing heart and palpitations for the first 30 minutes after I get out of bed if I do anything beyond walk. Opening or closing a door will trigger a quick increase in heart rate and palpitations. It's happened for a long while now. I've had an episode of afib, but it was caused by GERD. Subsequent echo and stress test were clear so I'm assuming there is nothing truly wrong (took me a while to accept that).

I know exactly how you feel. I take a beta blocker though for elevated heart rate and blood pressure. I'm fine once it really starts working after I take it (upon waking). It has an effect for 24hrs. If I take it at 6am one morning, and then I sleep until 9am the next day, I feel worse upon waking, presumably since the BB has been worn off for about 3hrs.

But ... I really don't know what else to do other than accept it. That's my best advice for this. Glad I'm not alone, and you can rest assured that you aren't either.

16-10-17, 10:46
Sorry i havent been back to this thread since i posted it.

I remembered i posted it tonight after i woke up to my son coughing alot so i got out of bed a little fast and man my heart started skipping but it wasnt like a rhythmic skipping it would beat several times then skip or beat then skip then beat then skip it was all over the place lol.

Im at a loss for words honestly, im only 26 and i have had several heart tests done and still nothing, i can run walk climb stairs and keep up with everyone else with no problem, no shortness of breath, pain or anything so obviously my heart is doing its job right even with the ectopic beats. These beats have even been caught on ekg and still nothing was said.

Ive had skipped beats for years and i can admit they i dont get them as often as i used to, but the whole waking up in the middle of the night in a rush causing it to skip alot is uneasy, i cant imagine if i woke up to a house fire that thing might just stop beating lol thats sarcasm im just trying to give an example of how big the situatuon feels even though its probably not even a big deal.

I do have acid reflux from hell, and its usually flaring up whenever i experience these palpitations so they are definitely linked some how, plus the fact that i get afib from vomiting just furthers the reassurance that it must be digestive related. I meed to see a good gastro specialist and maybe sort this mess out once and for all.