View Full Version : How long does a spell of pins and needles last?

23-02-17, 20:11

Im suffering with pins and needles at the moment.

Generally, how long does it last?

Can it last for a long time, days or months?


Gary A
23-02-17, 20:33

Im suffering with pins and needles at the moment.

Generally, how long does it last?

Can it last for a long time, days or months?


Depends what's causing it, but if, as is likely, it's being caused by your anxiety then it'll probably last as long as your anxiety is spiked.

23-02-17, 21:28
I had a bad case of the "the tingles" a year or so ago and got myself into a right panic about various things. It lasted (on and off) for a couple of months, and magically subsided when given the all clear by doctors.

The problem with many anxiety symptoms is they make you worry, and while you're worrying they get worse, which makes you worry more, etc, etc etc. Once you start ignoring them as "one of those things", and just a sign you need to destress a bit, they barely bother you. I know... easier said than done sometimes. But nothing to worry about.

23-02-17, 21:35
Thank you for the replies.

Im afraid Im repeating myself but all this tingling etc is just fuelling my MS fears.


23-02-17, 21:40
Are they roaming around your body? Are they sometimes in your face? Your hands? Your legs? Then moving to your arms, or belly, or lips? Do they sometimes feel like static rushing through your nerves, sometimes hot, sometimes slightly itchy?

Because if so that describes anxiety tingles.

23-02-17, 21:55

Yes, yes, yes!

One minute in my legs, then arm, feet, lips.

They only started a year ago after I came off my medication that I had been on for 10 years.

Strange but nothing in the morning - they seem to get worse as the day goes on.

Thank you again xx

24-02-17, 05:13
I've had mine as a main symptom of my GAD since it began 10 years ago. It felt like I was buzzing but I'm not shaking visibly.

I find it goes when I move around. It's an adrenaline thing. The more I recover, the more mine becomes a background issue.

Paraesthesia is very common in anxiety disorders. That may sound scary as it sounds like paralysis but it's just the medical name for a group of symptoms like pins & needles, skin crawling, etc. It can be experienced in many conditions, anxiety being one of them and antidepressants often have them listed as side effects.