View Full Version : Stomach Noises Driving Me Insane

23-02-17, 21:30
So after years of health anxiety, I have lost the ability to discern between real and unreal symptoms. My latest is my stomach noises, I know its good if your stomach and bowel growl because it is digesting food. But then I get to the point of thinking, is mine growling to much, is my stool weird, am I farting to much. According to my therapist it all plays in to my checking behavior. In order to stop my checking behavior (and don't laugh) I've started peeing and pooping in the dark (I told you don't laugh) so then i don't check things if you know what I mean. I've gone from some type of food intolerance, IBS to bowel or pancreatic cancer. The problem is that it is not consistent so I am thinking that means more along with food intolerance way but I am so hyper-focused on the noises and my gut and anxiety have always been tied together so I am sure that also part of it. How do you all stop hyper focusing on all of these bodily functions. It's hard to let the anxiety go b/c you experience these bodily functions every day. I am getting to the point that I am getting nervous about eating b/c it will make noises.

Clydesdale Epona
24-02-17, 00:48
I used to feel the same way but eventually it making noises stopped bothering me as my IBS plays up often and my coworkers find it entertaining :roflmao:
food intolerance is a good route to start with, trying cutting out whatever you consume often one by one and seeing if that makes a difference x

All the best :hugs:

24-02-17, 01:18
My stomach is always making weird nosies especially in bed at night. I always have a lot of gas aswell. I can go days with out using the bathroom and then have loose stools. I have had all this for years and I'm still here, anxiety can cause your bowls to do some weird things.

24-02-17, 02:35
Apparently, stomach noises are a GOOD thing; when my son was sick, the doctor listened to his stomach and said he heard bowel sounds, and that was good. Apparently no stomach noises would've been a bad sign.