View Full Version : White color on inside of cheek

23-02-17, 04:10
So i went to the doctor for a follow up for some small lymoh nodes on my neck which she said were normal after i had a ultrasound and cbc. Then she checked my knees groin elbows and then she looked up my nose in my ears and then she checked my mouth and she asked why i had White stuff of the walls of my mouth its like a thin white layer of skin but to my knowledge its always been there i even nibble at it and always have and then she looked at my gums and asked if i dipped tobacco which i do not and i told her that and she asked once again to be sure and then she hust dismissed it, so i looked at my gums in the mirror and they dont look abnormal comparing to photos ive googled the gums are whiter or lighter above my teeth but i assume its because my teeth are behind the wall of the gum and the little lumps on the back of my tounge look bigger than my gfs i forget the name of the lumps but the sit in a v shape pattern and also my gum get darker at the very top of my gums where the lips connects. I don't know what she thinks she seen but i cant find it and compared to Google pictures my mouth looks pretty normal. Should i go back and ask questions or forget about it? Im a hypochondriac so this is bothering me a little.

23-02-17, 04:18
Well first off - stop googling.

When oral tobacco users smoke/chew there can be some changes in the mouth that can be concerning. If you do not smoke/chew and the rest of your mouth exam was normal - and you said you've always had that - you're not at risk for anything serious. She was just being thorough and making sure it wasn't from tobacco and just your normal mouth! I wouldn't worry if she's not worried.

I don't think it would be unreasonable to call her and have that conversation - but like I said you're not at risk at all and I would let it alone - you got a clean bill of health!

Clydesdale Epona
23-02-17, 08:33
I'd forget about it,
If she was concerned she'd of sent you for tests and I know for a fact even if you found something on google it'd just make you feel worse so please stop googling,
if its really getting to you and affecting your daily life then it wouldn't hurt to go back to your doctor but honestly I think its alright x

All the best :hugs:

24-02-17, 00:34
I went to the doctor for a follow up and she checked my mouth like any other doctor visit and she asked of i chew tobacco which i dont. Well once i got home i looked in my mouth and i noticed right beside a broken tooth from chewing ice the skin has a white tint to it almost like a film that doesn't come off. I read on google that a broken tooth rubbing the ride of your check can make it appear white due to the cells in the cheek. I also nibble at the white skin i think it's called albea or something and that may be what she seen. Also whats the loose skin like tags under the tounge called ita like little strings of skin that are slightly redish from the tiny veins.

bin tenn
24-02-17, 02:46
I drove myself crazy for a long time with an oral cancer obsession. I have since moved past it. I used to check inside my mouth multiple times per day. Plenty of white-ish areas in there, presumably from some bad teeth, cheek biting (nervous habit), and the fact that I smoke. A lot of irritation.

Not sure what those things under the tongue are called. I've never wondered if they even had a name.

24-02-17, 08:00

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