View Full Version : Panic attacks to generalised anxiety instead?

24-02-17, 19:49
Has anyone gone from having panic attacks to generalised anxiety instead?

I used to have panic attacks in certain situations so I'd be terrified then it would pass. Now I have constant anxiety that rarely leaves me all day. I'm not even consciously panicking most of the time. It's this tense foreboding sensation that plays in the back of my mind. It scares me because panic attacks always had an end point. I fear I'm going to be tense and feeling hopeless forever! I almost wish I had the old panic attacks instead.

24-02-17, 20:26
Hi Alison

A constant fear of panic attacks could be panic disorder, have you had a diagnosis? Although in saying that the thing I've found since I've started down this anxiety journey is they are all very closely linked and treatment whether by medication or therapy seems to be similar. I have been diagnosed with GAD but it could be one of many types of anxiety.

The one thing I can tell you is it gets better! :D I'd speak to your GP if you've not already done so and discuss medication, I'm on my second AD and they seem to helpful. Therapy can also help, whether self help, group, or one to one.

Finally I've found learning more about GAD and anxiety in general has really helped me and removed the constant fear of what is going on with my body and mind. There's loads of info on this site and people to give help and support.

25-02-17, 04:28
It's a bit like walking into a room and being confronted by a ghost that triggers a panic attack. You now fear that no matter what room you enter, that same ghost will reappear and this worry is now keeping you constantly anxious.

I think what might help is in something you said - you suffered panic attacks in "certain situations" so you know where this "ghost" has appeared. If you can think of everywhere else as being safe and not fear the ghost appearing in those safe places, you'll have a much better chance of not suffering panic attacks in those areas because panic is created by fear but you won't be afraid so the panics won't surface.

You could then learn how to tackle the panics in those certain situations where the ghost has appeared by recognising the triggers, the thoughts and worries you have that create the feelings of panic. Like any enemy we have to confront, we have to arm ourselves with the right weapons which in your case will be learning how to say boo back to your ghost and showing it no fear because then the panic will disappear.

Try learning a relaxation technique to start with such as long deep breaths because panics are created by quick shallow breathing that we do when we feel anxious. That will prevent the panic taking hold and will build your confidence knowing there is nothing really to be afraid of other than the fearful feelings your fear creates in yourself. The fear of feeling fear (panic) is often our ghost who is trying to bully us but when it knows it won't succeed, it gives up. It thrives on attention and bullies us to give it the fuel it wants through making us afraid but it has no substance and can't cause any harm so it will move on when it knows you won't let it win so the next time you ghost says Boo, say Boo back and try to ignore it by focusing on your relaxation technique and happy thoughts of things you enjoy doing.