View Full Version : Calling for participants.

24-02-17, 21:17
Hello everyone,

I am an undergraduate psychology student looking for participants that would be willing to take part in my research on why people use online social support systems such as forums. If you chose to take part, you will be asked a series of six questions relating to your use of the internet for social support - over PM. I may ask further questions to clarify information you have given me. I myself suffer from anxiety and often resort to the internet in times of need, so this topic is of interest to me and any contributions would be much appreciated. Please respond to this thread if you would be interested in taking part in this study and I shall PM you more details along with a consent sheet. If after receiving a participant information sheet you do not wish to take part, you do not have to. Thank you so much for your time.


P.S. I have received approval from moderators to post my research on this forum.

25-02-17, 13:41
I would be interested in taking part. I am newly registered to the forum, but have been reading it for a while, and have had GAD since my teens. Be very interesting to see what your research findings are.

25-02-17, 13:57
Hey, I'd love to answer your questions.

25-02-17, 16:08
I will be willing to take part

25-02-17, 16:45
Yup, hit me up.

25-02-17, 16:53
I'm interested in participating.

25-02-17, 20:34
Happy to help :)

25-02-17, 23:17
I would be down