View Full Version : Brain tumor or my heart?

25-02-17, 18:16
I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I'm so scared right now. I keep getting this feeling where I'm about to get a nosebleed. Last night, my son dropped something on the floor and then my head felt weird, I got dizzy, and felt like I was about to get a nose bleed. It was so scary and maybe lasted a minute or two. Then it happened again today while I was sitting in the truck. One door was open, but it felt really hot in the truck. I checked my blood pressure and it was 127/75 and my heart rate was 107 but I was afraid because blood pressure machines scare me.

First my heart, now a possible brain tumor or maybe it is my heart.

No one I know has experienced this before. I'm completely distraught right now. I don't deserve to live anymore.

25-02-17, 18:25
Is there someone you can call? Do you have real life support? Your posts have become increasingly distraught and you're responsible for another life. Please, for yourself and your unborn child, get some real life help.

There are mental health support lines and centers in every state in the US. Go to https://www.mentalhealth.gov/ and look up resources near you.

Positive thoughts

25-02-17, 18:28
Nothing is going to help me. God, I can't go to the ER right now. I won't come out of there alive.

25-02-17, 18:32
I felt like that when I was pregnant got distant feeling dizzy spells and it was just part of all the different hormone levels in my body!

25-02-17, 18:51
You stated in your first post about a month ago that you were diagnosed with a chronic, non-threatening physical issue and you're in therapy. What does your therapist think about your situation and about you posting on the forum?

Positive thoughts

25-02-17, 19:02
I'm the same. My sinuses hurt all the time and my nose feels tingly like it might bleed and weird plus I get dizzy. Also convinced it's heart but ECGs say different, as do the doctors. It's so difficult when pregnant to draw a line between pregnant symptoms and our fears.

25-02-17, 19:06
I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I'm so scared right now. I keep getting this feeling where I'm about to get a nosebleed. Last night, my son dropped something on the floor and then my head felt weird, I got dizzy, and felt like I was about to get a nose bleed. It was so scary and maybe lasted a minute or two. Then it happened again today while I was sitting in the truck. One door was open, but it felt really hot in the truck. I checked my blood pressure and it was 127/75 and my heart rate was 107 but I was afraid because blood pressure machines scare me.

First my heart, now a possible brain tumor or maybe it is my heart.

No one I know has experienced this before. I'm completely distraught right now. I don't deserve to live anymore.

I got several nosebleeds during my last pregnancy; including one that almost had to be cauterized.
Apparently when you're pregnant your blood vessels expand or something.
I was 40 and suffering from severe health anxiety during my last pregnancy (my other kids were already grown).
My doctor told me this, and I will pass it on to you: "A body that is not healthy enough to raise a child will be unlikely to be able to conceive and carry a pregnancy."
This is simple biology.
I know it is scary. Four years ago, I was right where you are.
But I survived, and so will you. I know it.
Best wishes.

25-02-17, 19:42
I have one friend that keeps telling me to go to the ER. I don't feel that this is life threatening right now, but it's so scary when it happens. I'll admit that I'm not eating the best because of my nausea, but it did happen right after I had lunch. It has caused my top teeth to hurt really bad. My therapist is kind of frustrated with me because I was doing well with acceptance, and then the hormones/heart crap started and I can't really talk myself down anymore.

I just don't understand why it feels like I'm about to get a nose bleed if I'm not? Is it high or low blood pressure?? Part of my heart stuff? A tumor? I don't know. I'm spiraling right now waiting for this stupid appointment next week.

I'm not going to make it through this pregnancy.