View Full Version : Sharp Tailbone pain :(

25-02-17, 20:37
Been worried about testicle pain that I have for months, Doctor sent me for an ultrascan and it came back as normal although the doctor who sent me said I had a hydrocele. Anyway a couple of weeks later I develop a pain in my tailbone, I phone the doctors wanting to see one but they only get a doctor to ring me back(the in thing now in the UK) I tell him I still have the testicle pain and mention the tailbone pain which he says very quickly that "its all connected and there is nothing I can do about it".
Another week on and the pain in my tailbone is like nothing I have experienced before, Really strong sharp pain, feels like my skin is glued on to my bone and as I get up from sitting feels like its being ripped off!! can't think I have knocked or banged it in anyway. Anyone had the same :( ?

Clydesdale Epona
25-02-17, 22:48
I haven't had any spontaneous taillbone but thought i'd reply anyway as you haven't gotten any yet and i did break my tailbone once (which was fun haha) if your doctor isn't concerned then i would think there's nothing too scary to worry about x

All the best :hugs:

26-02-17, 05:10
I can't relate to how it's linked to testicle pain as your doctor said, but I have had spontaneous tailbone pain before. I have terrible posture in bed if I'm reading or using a tablet or phone. It's like slouching with the spine unsupported. The pain was bad so I'm more aware of my posture now. It used to ache like crazy if I got up from sitting down. Ice on the area helped.

Could it be posture related for you?

26-02-17, 05:23
Its 5:19 in the morning and I'm awake with the pain, even if I clench my cheeks it hurts!

Clydesdale Epona
26-02-17, 10:45
Do you think you've done anything strenuous or with your posture as ditapage suggested?

26-02-17, 14:42
I do have a strenuous job but I can't think of a day where I have done something then felt the pain. The pain seem to come on gradual.

Captain irrational
28-02-17, 21:02
Been worried about testicle pain that I have for months, Doctor sent me for an ultrascan and it came back as normal although the doctor who sent me said I had a hydrocele. Anyway a couple of weeks later I develop a pain in my tailbone, I phone the doctors wanting to see one but they only get a doctor to ring me back(the in thing now in the UK) I tell him I still have the testicle pain and mention the tailbone pain which he says very quickly that "its all connected and there is nothing I can do about it".
Another week on and the pain in my tailbone is like nothing I have experienced before, Really strong sharp pain, feels like my skin is glued on to my bone and as I get up from sitting feels like its being ripped off!! can't think I have knocked or banged it in anyway. Anyone had the same :( ?

I had a similar issue recently, I was also getting sharp aches in my tailbone or at least in the muscles around it when standing up, especially after sitting for a long time. This went on for around a month before it started to ease off. From what I understand, tailbones can sometimes become dislocated or unstable for seemingly no reason and put strain on the muscles around it, but the problem will usually resolve itself in a few weeks.

You can aid recovery by avoiding hard seats or sitting for too long. I also realised my old desk chair at the time was really bad on my posture, which was no doubt contributing to the problem, so I bought a better one and it does seem to have helped a lot.

01-03-17, 10:55
Thanks Captain irrational thats good to know, when I get up from sitting postion I feel the pain then automatic tense my mucles which brings on an intense pain which i have never felt like before:( The only thing that is taking the pain away is tramadol which makes me very light headed.