View Full Version : I'm so mentally ill - prescribed klonopin now

25-02-17, 20:40
I check myself into a partial hospitalization program for mental illnesses. I'm on medical leave from work due to this. After trying numerous meds, my doc put me on Xanax three x a day due to severe panic and anxiety. As you all know it wears off fast and the anxiety, shaking, and irrational thoughts all come back
Well the new psychiatrist in the program wants me to switch over to klonopin/ clonazapam because it lasts longer on the body. I'm scared to switch over. Does his benzo work like Xanax? I'm wondering why he didn't try another SSRI? I didn't question him since he's the head of psychiatry and this center. I'm worried that I'm going to be stuck on benzos the rest of my life. I'm the type of person who is overly cautious when taking meds. I'm so scared of never getting better
My 6 year old can't see me like this. Any advice for me during his difficult time?
Thank you for listening

25-02-17, 20:47
Any advice for me during his difficult time?

Listen to your doctors, let them know about your participation here and consider refraining from reassurance seeking on-line as you focus on healing.

Positive thoughts

25-02-17, 20:57
I check myself into a partial hospitalization program for mental illnesses. I'm on medical leave from work due to this. After trying numerous meds, my doc put me on Xanax three x a day due to severe panic and anxiety. As you all know it wears off fast and the anxiety, shaking, and irrational thoughts all come back
Well the new psychiatrist in the program wants me to switch over to klonopin/ clonazapam because it lasts longer on the body. I'm scared to switch over. Does his benzo work like Xanax? I'm wondering why he didn't try another SSRI? I didn't question him since he's the head of psychiatry and this center. I'm worried that I'm going to be stuck on benzos the rest of my life. I'm the type of person who is overly cautious when taking meds. I'm so scared of never getting better
My 6 year old can't see me like this. Any advice for me during his difficult time?
Thank you for listening

My first and only (other than a short-lived experiment with Wellbutrin) prescription was for Prozac. My doctor told me, it's one of the oldest SSRIs, but still one of the best.
He also warned me, "It's not a racehorse, it's a workhorse".
In other words, it doesn't work fast (takes 6-8 weeks), but when it does, watch out. It really works.

He was right. It really worked. But I quit after a year, assuming I was *better*, and fed up with side effects.
After that, I got divorced and lost my health insurance, and now I can't get any meds anymore.

I think most SSRIs work the same. They take some time to work. But they do work.
Have faith, and fake it til you make it.
No, you can't let your child see you like this. Luckily, my oldest were grown and my youngest still a baby when I started SSRIs.
But now, unmedicated, I have to fake it every day. I won't have my 4 year old feeling unsafe, and if he sees that I'm scared, he will be scared.
You have the medication onboard. It will work. Give it time. Relief is on the way.
You'll be okay. Keep posting here.
You'll feel like a new person in a month or two. I am happy for you. :)
Best wishes!

25-02-17, 21:09
Thank you for all the replies. Klonopin is a benzo like Xanax. I guess I'll try it
Anything to keep me out of the ER again ��

25-02-17, 21:15
They gave my wife Klonopin to help prevent the episodes of catatonia. She's still on it 1x a day at bedtime. It knocks her out.

Positive thoughts:)

25-02-17, 22:56
Hi! I take 1mg twice daily. Try to focus on getting through one day at a time. When the time comes, you can focus on getting off the benzos. I was in a very similar situation to you. I can now function, I work full time and I look after 2 children aged 11 and 9. The Clonazepam should help you stabalise, once this has happened, they wil probably try another antidepressant. I find the 1mg doesn't knock me out. I take it at 8.30am and am able to work. I still get panic attacks, but am no longer scared of them. They can't hurt you. It is just uncomfortable. You have had them many times before and you are still here. Just try not to be so scared of the panic. I when I have one I tell myself 'You are having a panic attack, you are safe it can't hurt you'. Then try to distract yourself by counting things in the room or talking to yourself out loud about what you can see or sing a song. Distract your thoughts and the panic should go. Hope you start to feel better soon. What dosage and how often do you take the Klonopin? Xx

25-02-17, 23:21
Thank you mermaid. I am currently taking Xanax 3 times a day but it wears off so quickly and I feel the anxiety coming back . The doctor suggested the klonopin .5 two or three times daily. Do you find it helps to calm you
I need instant relief when I panic so maybe I should take the klonopin once I feel the Xanax wearing off? I may try it before bed; I just need to pick up my prescription. I'm just nervous trying a new med. It's like Xanax right???

25-02-17, 23:28
As long as you are being monitored by a doctor and you are receiving counselling there should be no problem. Benzodiazepines are highly addictive and they certainly won't cure anxiety but they will calm you down. A good doctor will not allow you to stay on them long enough to become addicted anyway.

25-02-17, 23:48
As long as you don't over use it you will be fine.

26-02-17, 01:39
Yes, xanax is like Klonopin. The difference being how quickly they affect you and how long that effect lasts. I take 1mg at 8.30am and 1mg at 8.30pm. When I was taking .5 in the am, I found that by about 2.00 I would feel it wearing off. Once you are on the Klonopin I don't think you will really find the need to use the xanax. Did the doctor say what time to take it? Maybe take one when you wake and then one before bed, if you need one in the middle then take one. Don't be scared to take it, it will give you a longer lasting calm effect than the xanax will. I think you are taking the xanax and the anxiety breaks through and you are anxious again. I was totally the same as you. Freaked out every time I started a new med. The docs wouldn't prescribe it if they didn't think you needed it. Give the Klonopin s couple of days to settle in your system and then you can look at moving forward. I have been there trapped in the anxiety battle. As I said I am now back working full time a looking after my kids, the house etc. You need to come down from that heightened state of anxiety before you can start to work on therapies. You will get there. Trust the doctors. They've treated thousands of people in you position before and they no what they are doing. Do you have support from your husband or parents? Is this the first time you have suffered with anxiety?

26-02-17, 02:04
The doctor said I could take it 2-3 times a day. My husband and I are having marital issues because of my anxiety, but as worn out as he is, he is supportive of mre taking medication to get better. I need a better quality of life
I just want my body and mind to calm down . I plan on taking Xanax when I wake up since I always wake up anxious and shaking. The Xanax last about 5 hours with me. Do you think I should plan to take the klonopin when I feel Xanax wearing off? The doctor didn't really explain. He just said take 2 or three a day as necessary. I know that I am over thinking all of this!!! I just don't want to mix the Xanax and klonopin even though he said it was fine if I'm panicking. I always worry about an over dose! As you can see, I'm not a meds type person. Although this is so necessary so that I can be a good mommy:-)

26-02-17, 02:10
Yes, xanax is like Klonopin. The difference being how quickly they affect you and how long that effect lasts. I take 1mg at 8.30am and 1mg at 8.30pm. When I was taking .5 in the am, I found that by about 2.00 I would feel it wearing off. Once you are on the Klonopin I don't think you will really find the need to use the xanax. Did the doctor say what time to take it? Maybe take one when you wake and then one before bed, if you need one in the middle then take one. Don't be scared to take it, it will give you a longer lasting calm effect than the xanax will. I think you are taking the xanax and the anxiety breaks through and you are anxious again. I was totally the same as you. Freaked out every time I started a new med. The docs wouldn't prescribe it if they didn't think you needed it. Give the Klonopin s couple of days to settle in your system and then you can look at moving forward. I have been there trapped in the anxiety battle. As I said I am now back working full time a looking after my kids, the house etc. You need to come down from that heightened state of anxiety before you can start to work on therapies. You will get there. Trust the doctors. They've treated thousands of people in you position before and they no what they are doing. Do you have support from your husband or parents? Is this the first time you have suffered with anxiety?

Well said Tracy

26-02-17, 02:19
The Klonopin takes 1-2 hours to have full effect whereas the xanax is 15-25mins. The thing with the Klonopin is if you are taking it every day, you don't notice it kick in when you take it as such because it is at a steady state in your blood. Maybe take the Klonopin when you feel the xanax starting to wear off. I think once the Klonopin is in your system at a steady state, you shouldn't really need the xanax anymore. I'm not a doctor though so don't really want to advise you. Is there a doctor you could phone for more specific instructions? When I changed from Valium to Klonopin. I just stopped taking the Valium and started with the Klonopin.

26-02-17, 02:35
Thanks . I was told to just starting taking the klonopin and that I could take Xanax If I was panicking . I'll check with the doctor
Thanks !!!

26-02-17, 06:20
The klonopin absorption peaks in 1-4 hours whereas Xanax is 1-2. The elimination half life is much longer with Klonopin.

So, I expect be means to spread the doses to give you the best possible cover which is harder with Xanax whilst keeping plasma levels up. Maybe it will be a typical AM, midday, PM type spread? Then only use Xanax in between with panic of you have to?

26-02-17, 14:16
Thank you Terry mermaid, and others. I read the pharmacy insert and read all the scary rare side effects. Why do I do this to myself? I know a few people who have taken this with no issues. I'll take it before bed, so of I doGet side effects they will happen when I'm sleeping . I see the med is also prescribed for seizures, so that kind of freaked me out😑

26-02-17, 14:19
Aspirin is sometimes taken for heart conditions. Doesn't mean people taking it to kill pain should freak out.

26-02-17, 14:27
Very valid point!