View Full Version : Google scares me and i have a lymph node obsession

25-02-17, 20:53
Im 25 5"9 150 pounds so I'm pretty slim, and around 5 month's ago i found a small 1 cm lymph node on the lower part of my neck so i went to Google and it literally scared the **** out of me. So i started poking around and foubd 3 more nodes, 2 side by side on the left lower side of my neck and 2 side by side on the lower right side of my neck the are all near the supracalvicular area but the doctor said they arent the supracalvicular nodes. They are all around 1 cm and not very soft but they don't feel like rocks ir anything they feel smooth and they are slightly moveable sometimes i have to hold my shoulder a certain way to be able to move them around i guess they get between tendons and muscles so they become harder to move. The left one are easier to feel and move than the rigjt ones. They don't hurt they haven't changed sizes sometimes they do feel a little smaller and than other times they feel the same size as they've been. Idk if they would have gone away because i keep rubbing them. I had a cbc and ultrasound and the doctor said they appear normal and that shes not concerned because they are sl small she says there no reason to push for a biopst because they are just so small she doesn't think a specialist would even consider a biopsy. I haven't felt sick or fatigued anymore than usual no night sweats or weight loss. I'm just a hypochondriac and i have felt my gfs neck and some of my family and some of them have palpable nodes but not in the same area as me except one cousin who has one next to his collarbone that hurts when he touches it but ita still small like mine. They are very palpable and that scares me because Google will really get into your head. I tried talking with the doctor but she didn't have much to say because i guess she had said all she could say to me to reassure me. She said usually when some comes in with a cancerous node they are pretty big she said most is almost a golf ball size. I also have one that's 1.9 under my jaw like the saliva gland which i read is around 1.5 cm so its only slightly enlarged. I also read that if a node is less than 2 cm than its not significant enough to consider any evaluation beyond a standard ultrasound and cbc. Well theres my story and i would like your feed back and advice on how to go about handling this. One more thing, cancer doesn't run in my family, i can only recall 2 cases one was breast cancer and the other was a very rare form of brain cancer and the doctor assured us it wasn't genetic.

25-02-17, 21:00
You started a thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=194942) on this just last week and got a lot of good responses.

Positive thoughts

26-02-17, 00:21
I know and it started bothering me today and i thought id ask a few more people before i leave it alone.