View Full Version : Boils anyone know much about them??

26-02-17, 01:26
Hi there,

So I haven't been to a doctor yet, I'm actually really scared to go. I found a bump thing on my boob, and freaked out its been there a while now not changing much. It does have a white head on it sorta it's to the side more. I showed my mom when I saw it and right away she said it looked like a boil. I believed her sorta. I've had boils before. Want to know if anyone else gets them and yeah maybe sweating under the breast can cause it? Cause I don't wear bras anymore so maybe that's what happened. I get hair there too so I've shaved there too sometimes. Can anyone help me please!! I'm freaking out.

26-02-17, 01:39
It could also be a sebaceous cyst. I had one of those. The derm removed it and it was fine . If it is a boil though you could get some drawing salve and apply it to the boil. It will bring it to a head and drain it.

26-02-17, 01:48
Should I google that ??