View Full Version : One sided throat swelling for ten days now..

26-02-17, 10:30
So here I go again *sigh*
Ten days ago I choked on some coffee that went down the wrong way. It wasn't super hot so I didn't burn my throat or anything but I did have a very painful throat after it happened. Well ten days om, the pain on that side of my throat has not gone away, in fact if anything it has got worse. It feels painful and swollen when I swallow and the pain radiates to my ear. I am freaking out that it's a swollen lymph node and basically I have cancer. I've started to worry that it wasn't the coffee thing that caused it in the first place and maybe I just noticed it after that. I had completed bloods done a few weeks ago. Do you think something sinister with a gland would have shown up in those? I didn't have the pain at that point. It's always there every time a swallow food or saliva. I have the Dr booked for Friday by which time it will have been two weeks.
Oh and also I can feel tenderness in my neck / throat area when I touch my neck on that side.

Clydesdale Epona
26-02-17, 10:40
I'm thinking its possibly a number of things, muscular, glandular, tonsils, but I don't think it sounds like anything too concerning x

All the best :hugs:

26-02-17, 18:11
Thanks. It feels like it's getting worse rather than better, I'm just holding out for Friday when I can get to the Dr. The pain goes into my ear and down my neck.

Gary A
26-02-17, 18:22
That actually sounds like tonsillitis. Are your tonsils inflamed?

26-02-17, 20:08
No, my tonsils look normal, it feels further down my throat than that. Right down the back of my throat where I can't see with a torch (obviously I have been obsessively checking it) :blush:

26-02-17, 20:46
I once aspirated my own saliva when I tried to laugh and breathe at the same time. It hurt so bad and I remember it didn't stop being tender for about a week because I couldn't relax and tried to force myself to breath while my throat was contracting too. You may have pulled a muscle in the strain of trying to breath. It's super scary and painful, honestly.

If you had a lymph node that was swollen enough to obstruct structures in your neck, it would be big enough to notice.

I hope you're able to keep yourself calm until your doctor's appointment and that she is able to give you nothing but good, benign news!

26-02-17, 21:06
Thank you, this is kind of what happened to me, and I think it has started off some crazy anxiety cycle that I can't escape. It certainly hurt a lot at the time. I am losing the plot over it, imagining the conversation when they tell me I have cancer, imagining the treatment I will have to have, etc etc, all the very WORST kinds of thinking. I have written my blog as that's really the only thing that helps when I feel like this. I really appreciate the replies. I am going to have to hang in there until Friday. It feels like a million years away, but I know time will pass.

26-02-17, 21:09
Try your best to stay positive and take it day by day! If talking/writing it out helps then keep doing it!

27-02-17, 21:27
So I caved and went to the Dr today for an urgent appointment. I know I shouldn't have, but it's my birthday and I didn't want to spend the whole of it depressed in case I have the big C.
The Dr looked in my throat and ear and felt my neck. He said he couldn't see anything to worry about, and told me I shouldn't be worrying about caner. He said I probably irritated my throat and it could take several weeks to heal. If it is the same in six weeks I am to go back and he will refer me. I feel a little better, although I wish the pain and lump feeling would go!

27-02-17, 23:57
I often get one-sided sore throats, with only one swollen tonsil. Always have.
Often, the ear on that side gets clogged as well, and then I have one-sided ear pain and pain radiating down one side of my neck.
The few times I've been to the doctor for this, they always chalk it up to allergies and prescribe a decongestant. Apparently I get more sinus drainage on one side than on the other, and it irritates that side of my throat.
But, yes, your doctor is right; it often takes two weeks for this sort of thing to clear up entirely.

Best wishes.