View Full Version : The million dollar question...

26-02-17, 16:51
When after starting did you start feeling better? I am still having really bad days of depression, bad thoughts, anxiety - the lot! The mirtazapine has really
Pooped out! I'm on my 8th day of taking 10mg of cit and I still am gurning, no appetite and not sleeping like I've dropped an E. I've been exercising and went out for a long country walk today but got dizzy. Really wanted to go back to work tomorrow so getting a bit impatient? So my original question - when did you start 'feeling' that glimmer of hope!

26-02-17, 17:17
Now on Day 7 and honestly a lot better that Day 1/2/3 but not as good as Day Minus Four, which was before this wretched anxiety bout kicked off!

26-02-17, 17:18
Hello. For me it was about the 9 week mark.. like you started at 10mg but doc said the quicker you get to 20mg the quicker you are to start to feel better. I guess what she said was true. I stuck it out at 20 for about 8 months and then increased to 30mg for about 3 months. So to be far for me it was a while. I was off work 8 weeks! X

26-02-17, 17:23
Ah bollox I've already had 4 months off with my 1st episode of depression can't afford another 2. I'm hoping the mirtazapine will augment the cit and both will work in tandem to get me out the black hole :-( I'm going up to 20mg next week!

26-02-17, 18:40
Keep strong. It's a cruel illness! X