View Full Version : Serious anxiety/obsession when dating?

27-02-17, 07:22
I didn't expect to meet another guy so soon after my break up. After this break up, I can't even enjoy dating because I over analyze EVERYTHING :weep: I'm not afraid of being alone nor do I think I'm ugly/stupid etc. My paranoia goes straight to being abandoned after I get completely invested. My biggest flaw is that I dwell and in this case it happens to be my love life, I spend hours consumed by this. I am already over analyzing everything the guy is doing, even though its only been a week since I met him. The feeling of cut and run is so strong.

The funny thing is, my recent break up isn't my 1st. My 1st one was bad, but I went in to dating lighthearted. The relationship ended on bad terms, I deeply loved the guy, but we were plain incompatible. W/this ex, he lost the connection to me, w/drew from me and ended up breaking up w/me using very lame cliche break up lines (its me, not you etc). I'm afraid of abandonment yet again, my recent ex wanted the relationship and now I don't even know how much of it was real and at what point was he just going through the motions. Will seeing a therapist help?

27-02-17, 08:13
From someone who fears abandonment herself and who has experienced a bad breakup, I'd say seeing a therapist would definitely help. Nobody wants to be abandoned and left alone, and no matter how strong the relationship, everyone fears it ending at one point or another. However, when you become obsessed with the idea of losing the one you love and when it starts consuming all your thoughts, then it's a good idea to make things easier on yourself by getting to the root cause of the issue and trying to resolve it as best as you can.