View Full Version : Banged breast in car door months ago still tender

27-02-17, 08:05
I think it was either end of November or beginning of December i by mistake banged my breast into car door it hurt real bad. I never saw any bruising but months later it's hurts when I press down on it or lean on it. I asked my family if it's normal they said it could take long time to heal. I'm starting to worry since it's been awhile and worry that banging it will cause cancer which I hope not. Anyone ever hurt themselves and it take a long time to stop hurting or is this bad

Clydesdale Epona
27-02-17, 11:05
If it is still worrying you/hurting you can always go to the doctors and get checked out but it likely won't be anything dangerous, and I've never heard of bashing it to cause cancer so I'm sure it'll be okay x

All the best :hugs:

27-02-17, 18:01
Thanks you think it's no big deal it still hurts when lean on it.

Clydesdale Epona
27-02-17, 19:22
It could be some lasting damage that might take a while to heal so if its still hurting you can always consult a doctor but i don't think its anything deadly like the "c" word x

28-02-17, 03:04
My mother in law ran into a dresser several months ago, right on her breast. It's been 9 months and hers is still tender as well. She had a mammogram as and it showed the inflammation and safe had it biopsied and it came back as scar tissue.

28-02-17, 07:10
Im just worried that it hurts still. I hope I didn't hurt my breast in anyway it only hurts when I lean on it or press it. My family says it's no big deal it still hurts. Are you sure it's normal for it to still hurt.

28-02-17, 07:13
Go to the doctor. No it shouldn't still hurt three months later. That doesn't mean it is anything serious but why suffer it hurting any longer.