View Full Version : Slow Palpitations

21-04-07, 07:34
At about 5:15 this morning I was woken by my heart pounding very hard and much more slowly than my usual resting rate. It was pounding so hard it was moving my chest and upper body. It lasted about 10-15 seconds, then my heart rate returned to normal, but I couldn't get back to sleep and am now really on edge. I know when I'm out and about and I sometimes get anxiety, my heart races and can feel it in my ears, but I know this is anxiety. This symptom feels completely different and unanxiety related.Can anyone give me some insight into what might be causing this, I'm already terrified I'm going to die young of a sudden heart attack.

21-04-07, 09:16
Hi pg

You don't have to feel anxious to get anxiety attacks. I get a similiar sympton, usually at rest, my heart thuds, and I can feel it in my throat and if lying flat I can see the pulse (when in couch potato mode, lying on the settee I can see the remote pulse up and down on my stomach)

Funny enough though, my pulse doesn't rise, and usually hovers aroung 59 bpm during these attacks.

It sounds just like a burst of adrenaline, but pop along to the GP just for reassurance, I am sure its just plain ole anxiety ;).


21-04-07, 12:12
Hello !
I agree - go see your doctor and put your mind at rest. We waste so much time unnecessarily worrying - when you hear the explanation from your doc you will feel loads better.
be kind to yourself

21-04-07, 12:46
Thanks for the replies Jaco and neptuno!

I originally went to the doctors with chest pain and a constant speedy pulse rate a few months back. I had a blood test and ECG done and he said they were both fine. I had to go back the other day and I mentioned how I often get short attacks of slow hard beating of the heart, but he said he's not worried by that, he also took another listen and took my pulse and said that's fine too. I'm terrified I have an undiagnosed problem which will cause sudden death, infact I'm convinced I have. When it woke me up this morning it's the worse it has been. Thanks for anymore help or suggestions you can give.

21-04-07, 17:52
Try not to worry- I sometimes get a whoosh of adrenaline then my heart flutters and wobbles and if I forget about it and think - its nothing- it settles but if I start thinking bad thoughts and add to the adrenaline then it worsens so try not to worry Love wenjoy x

23-04-07, 19:22
Thanks Wenjoy! I do my best not to worry, but it's much easier said than done, especially when your body reinforces the very things you're afraid of, you start to wonder if it's anxiety causing this at all. :wacko: