View Full Version : No One Listens...

21-04-07, 12:06
No one listens to kids..
No matter how bad they feel..
No matter how down they look..
No matter how withdrawn they are..

No one one listens to kids..
When they lash out at everything in sight..
Hurt themselves badly..
Cry themselves to sleep at night..

No one listens to kids..
When there pleading for help..
Just wanting a hug..
Just wanting to feel alive again..

No one listens to kids..
No matter how down they feel..
As they sink lower and lower into the ground..
Until finally..They disappear..Gone without a trace..

No one listens to kids..
But its all over now..
No more sadness..
No more tears..
Nothing..Except death.

21-04-07, 12:15
:hugs: Thats very touching Kelly!!! it captures so many emotions of the unspoken silence of what so many children feel!!! Thank you for sharing that, I HAVE HEARD YOU HON!!!! love sky:hugs: :flowers:

Pink Princess
22-04-07, 19:25

good poem sweetie, i like your talent so keep writing them ok. im always here to listen xxxxxx love you xxxxx

and no more crying yourself to sleep at night, just texting your star to sleep at night :) xxxx
