View Full Version : Living in fear of loosing my mum

27-02-17, 16:08
I'm 18 years old and I live at home with my mum and my younger brother, my brother has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and has numerous learning difficulty's as do I, I lost my father when I was 9 years old and after his death I grew a even stronger bond with my mum, he has done a fantastic job bringing us up alone, and I have only recently realised how much me and my brother rely on her, Yes I may be 18 but I don't feel like an adult. I've never had a job or a serious relationship, I very rarely go out of the house and I cant even make sure I've eaten during the day, all this has made me realise how useless I am without my mum, and so the thought of her passing one day destroys me, this has been on my mind for around 3 days and its been keeping me up all night. I don't know why I am here ranting about it, I guess to get it off my chest, I know this must be a common fear amongst many, but can anyone shed some advice as to what I should do. this is really affecting me.

27-02-17, 20:17
Hi , it's a good place to have a rant , I think a lot of us on here have that fear of losing a close one , I lost my dad quite young so did my partner and it does give you that sense of mortality, if your mum isn't ill or old you have to live your life and cross that bridge much later , I hate the thought of you young people not being out enjoying life , you blink and you are old I have daughters older than you and all I want for them is to enjoy life like your mum probably does for you , take care . :)

27-02-17, 21:45
I lost my father in 2008 when I was 18. It was a hard ordeal to go through and continues to effect me some ways like bad dreams about it. Of course now I worry about my losing my mother as well. I've been a "mommas boy" my whole life and the thought of losing her is unbearable. It seems like it bothers me more than it does her quite honestly. For now she is in alright health and works everyday, and I have no idea how long she'll live, she could live to 100 for all I know, and I don't really want to spend almost 40 years worrying my head off about her. Anxiety and depression drains our enjoyment from life and it sucks. I have a huge obsession causing me anxiety and depression (lol poetry) lately which is obsessing over the passing of time and feeling like everything is going by too fast and other existential worries. You'd think I'd want to enjoy my time since I feel it's going by so fast, but nobody said anxious minds were logical minds.

28-02-17, 03:41
I'm feeling the exact same right now actually. I don't know why I'm so worried as of now, but the past few days I've just been overcome with anxiety and fear over the thought of her dying.

Anyone able to give some advice/help would be appreciated. I can't stop thinking that she has some sort of cancer and my time with her is nearly up.