View Full Version : Was sick 3x this winter already, scared of Leukemia, please help very worried

27-02-17, 16:44
So this winter I've been getting sick ONCE A MONTH. I'm sure that isn't normal and it's never happened to me before in my 21 years. I was googling what can cause you to get sick so often and Leukemia came up, saying it causes frequent infections. Leukemia has been a major focus of mine in the past and I'm now terrified it's what is causing my frequent colds. I'm really freaking out now, anyone who can reply with any advice etc. I'd really, really appreciate it.

27-02-17, 16:54
I've had years where I've had frequent colds. Around your age is when my sinuses started being a little more sensitive too, and sinus issues sometimes feel like colds.

Last year I was sick for 2 months straight. This year I've had 2 different issues in less than a month and a half. (I have a cold now and I had norovirus a month and a half ago.)

Plus there are other symptoms of Leukemia that would probably happen before you started having issues with infections I would think.

27-02-17, 17:05
I'm not a doctor, but could you be just run down, could make you more likely to pick up viruses'? Might just be something as simple as that. I think there would be other symptoms too if it was more serious xx

27-02-17, 18:06
You've posted another thread on this and you got some sound advice on that one.

My advice, again, is stop the googling, it's cold and flu season! See a doctor for peace of mind if you haven't already, and if you have then work on your anxiety!