View Full Version : Panic attack over bruised knee

27-02-17, 20:56
So I bruised my knee quite bad on Saturday night, it's about the size of a 2 pound coin, purple and very sore. So tonight I've just been walking around anf all of a sudden my knee cap has gone red and hot to the touch. I'm having a panic attack that it might be a blood clot from the bruise. Could anyone advise? I've got ice on it but I'm so scared it's something serious, it's red and hot.
Should I go to a&E? My bf thinks I'm being silly but I'm totally freaking out. Is this a normal thing for bruises? Help :(

27-02-17, 21:17
Hmm... same thing happened to me playing paintball last Saturday. I slid knee first into a root sticking out of the ground. I'm still alive and kicking. It was really red. And a bump formed.

Clydesdale Epona
28-02-17, 03:07
That generally means its healing, I'd say there's no need to rush off to A and E yet especially as you aren't displaying any blood clot signs just keep an eye on it in case it gets worse but I doubt it will x

All the best :hugs: