View Full Version : How do we know when a symptom is an emergency, or just anxiety or unharmful

27-02-17, 22:26
I had a pounding headache yesterday that went away. This morning I woke up and I had a bloodshot eye and a bloody nose. I also feel a little dizzy. I can't tell whether or not these symptoms are disconnected, connected, or just a result of spring allergies. I feel like my headache was due to anxiety...but it's just so hard to convince myself that my symptoms are due to a non-harmful cause such as a combination of allergies and anxiety. I have been into the walk- in Doctors Office too many times now about something or other and I don't want to go back in there again! Each time they tell me that any new symptom I feel is due to some trivial cause, but every time I find it so difficult to convince myself that it's not cancer or any other intense illness. I keep thinking, "What if, it's something big this time and if I don't go to the doctor's now it will turn out to be something big!" I am also confused about when to see a doctor. How can I be sure that any symptom is due to anxiety or something I know of. I'm just tired of running to the doctor's for every twitch or ache I feel. But each time, It seems like some huge disease is looming over my head! Any tips and/or advice? Anyone else feel this way?

27-02-17, 22:29
If I could answer this question, I would never come here again.

27-02-17, 22:35
Neither would I. But there has to be some way to tell. How do people without anxiety do it? It just doesn't make sense to me.

27-02-17, 22:38
I think it helps to have a trusted person to whom you can turn for advice. Do you have anyone you can ask? I also think that the maxim 'wait two weeks and if it isn't resolved then I'll go to the doc' is a good one; and the old adage that 'any question that starts with 'what if?' Can be ignored' x

27-02-17, 22:43
How do people without anxiety do it?

lol we freak out and come here :shades:

28-02-17, 06:51
I agree with the wait two weeks rule.

If you have a bloodshot eye and a bleeding nose I don't think any doctor is going to think you are silly for getting his or her opinion. That's what doctors are there for.