View Full Version : Scared of angina now 🙄

27-02-17, 23:32
Hey people, So Iv not been on here for a while I just ghost the threads now and again but I try to fight my severe health anxiety these days... trouble is im feeling a bit broken atm... so had a beautiful baby boy 12 weeks ago my 2nd child (I am blessed) had a pretty rough pregnancy physically.. real sick at beginning then fainting spells dizziness loads of floaters in eyes spent a few nights in hospital here and there having ecgs and blood tests then had a 24hr heart monitor and an echocardiogram.. they found nothing sinister just picked up on a fair few palpitations, I suffered with them terribly during pregnancy.. had a c section, cue hysteria over DVTs ect ect. also had some really terrible intrusive thoughts since my son was born not constantly but have a few days of them here and there really horrible ones that really emotionally cripple me I have thoughts of me killing him (which I obviously don't want to do) and they freak me out so bad and scare me then I don't want to touch him in case they flash thru my head 😪 Had some really dark depressed days to but overall I'm trying that's all I can do eh.. now to my point i know out of all of that this might sound stupid but I have been having really bad pains in my stomach and headaches which are really pissing me off and depressing me plus a deep exhaustion but what is really doing a number on me right now is that for about 2 weeks I have been getting really nasty pains down the inside of both arms like nasty achy pains they feel like they are in my veins they start at about my armpit and go down always on the inside.. I'm worrying my veins are clogging up and I'm suffering from impeding signs of heart attack I started smoking again 2 weeks after son he was born I dont do any exercise bar pushing pram on my little errands. I'm not overweight I'm 5.2 an about 9.7/8 slightly chunkier then normal really. My brother does have a major heart problem an my grandmother had a major heart problem she died at 40 from pneumonia they only discovered it at autopsy.. don't know my mothers history as she is adopted.. any thoughts on this lovely ladies and gentlemen xx

27-02-17, 23:37
Congrats on the new little one! :)

Ok.. Angina... I have heart disease and I have it. You don't. Angina is something that shows up well after heart disease is present. It really is as simple as that.

Are you under the care of a mental health health professional? Perhaps some post natal mental health care is in order. It sounds like had quite a time of it and need some real life support.

Positive thoughts

27-02-17, 23:50
Hi Sarah, I think you have already said it your post. You are exhausted!!!!
There are different forms of anxiety, but anxiety will rise to surface through exhaustion, stress and trauma. All those things you have mentioned, I have experienced too. Yes, it does, feel like veins clogging up and worries of the heart come in your head, but I've been having those symptoms for over 3 years now and so does my partner who is also suffers from anxiety.
Somehow, you have to get more sleep. I know, near enough impossible with a new born, but maybe a family member can hold the fort for you for a while.
Giving birth takes a lot out of a woman and then she has to work all hours round the clock immediately after giving birth. Ask for help, get some 'Me' time and you will find your symptoms fade.
You body is speaking to you and telling you that you need rest and relaxation.
By the way, it is very common to have pneumonia on a death certificate. It is not normally the cause, but pneumonia sets in at end of life as it did with my dad, gran, granddad, uncle and so on.
If you are worried about your heart, then make a gap in your day to do some regular breathing exercises, eat healthily and regular gentle exercise.
Another thing is you have to bear in mind that you will have been checked out thoroughly while in hospital and they would not have discharged you if there was anything seriously wrong. x

28-02-17, 00:12
Hello fishmanpa ur still here !! I'm delighted to hear off u. You have brought me much comfort over the past few years specifically I think I had a really bad patch 2013/14. You actually made a big impact on me and often brought me to some form of sense �� I'm not under any mental health team been prescribed sertraline today by doctor.. I went in over stomach pains �� That always seems to happen I go in an end up with a prescription for antidepressants. I'm pretty sure my leg could fall off an they would put it down to depression! I do think I need to maybe take them though but as a true hypochondriac I'm terrified to start them because of the side effects they really make me feel awful for a little while like actually non functioning terrible.. still I have fell into a dark hole I think. Been having bouts of sadness and anxiety and great irritability plus the terrible intrusive thoughts. I remember u had heart disease and cancer I admire you strength in the way u deal with it. I think that's my problem I am weak minded. Even now ur reassuring me but I can't help the insidious voice inside telling me that this time it's real xx hello carnation I'm not sure why I'm exhausted my stevie bear sleeps from 11-6.30 so I do actually get sleep some nights tho I do jump awake a few times to check he's breathing (he really doesn't appreciate the poke he receives) sometimes I can't see his tiny little chest moving though ! He does cry a lot in the day especially the evening between 5-11 it does wear me down and frustrate me he fights sleep so terribly he's really clingy to and hates being put down. I love him to bits but sometimes I do think just bugger off an let me shower or eat without screaming at me. My partner works weird shifts he's a good dad and adores him but once hes home he likes to relax abit an he falls asleep really early so I'm left dealing with mr shouty for hrs till he sleeps �� My 6 yr old is a dream such a good girl no bother apart from a bad teenager attitude at times . I just wake up in morning and feel groggy dizzy and drained and in such a foul mood this is every morning more or less.. I do hope I'm not losing my marbles finally. Doesn't really bother me the pneumonia as I say she was 40 my dad is 67 she died when he was 11/12 so a long time ago.. it's the heart condition that bothers me that my brother also had but then I have had an echocardiogram and the 24 monitor and countless ecgs but I always think it's something they have missed or something new.. feel like my body is falling apart at times I'm only 27 xx