View Full Version : Anxiety over mole biopsy

28-02-17, 00:09
I've used this site many times, but this is my first post. Like others, I suffer from severe Health Anxiety. Over the years, I've tried various forms of therapies, meds, etc. and it continues to be an ongoing process.
I'm a 48 year old female. A few months ago, I noticed a (fairly regular looking) mole under my arm that I didn't remember seeing before. I went to have it looked at today, and the doctor said the mole didn't look out of sorts, but the fact that it showed up after the age of 40 was "suspicious". As expected, she couldn't tell me the likelihood of it being melanoma, whether if it was melanoma it would be early stage, etc. I had it biopsied, and the results will take about a week.
I'm currently in a full on panic. I've read horror stories about melanoma, that people think it's been caught early, and just a couple of years later it's spread to their organs.
I have a ten year old daughter who's my world. The thought of not being there to see her grow up is tearing me apart. Does anyone have any advice? TIA

28-02-17, 00:13
No real advice; just do what you have to in order to get through the next week, and hopefully you will have some good news then.
The fact that your doctor didn't think it looked ominous is a very good sign; I'd hang on to that.
Some other people here are currently going through the same thing, and I'm sure they can offer you some valuable support and advice during your wait.

Best wishes.

28-02-17, 00:21
Exactly as Glass said, try to get through your week and take it day by day. The wait for results can be really tough but most doctors would rather play it safe that sorry so it's a good thing she biopsied it, even if in the end she really didn't think she needed to!

28-02-17, 01:10
I could have written this post myself. I hate that I am here again, over the summer I had the same anxiety over a mole biopsy and it was torture!!

I hope time passes quickly for both of us!

28-02-17, 01:23
I only know of 2 cases personally and they were years ago and the people are fine. There are always outlers but the vast majority of skin cancer found early is almost always curable. One guy I know had a melanoma removed in 1989 and he's fine. The other person I know had it removed over 10 years ago and they're fine too. Plus the chances are that what you have isn't melanoma anyway. Stay away from google.


bin tenn
28-02-17, 02:31
I've been down the anxiety hole with awful skin cancer obsessions. For a long while. I'm still fine as far as I know, and I let that irrational worry go. I'm 30, and I've met a ton of people in my life - I've not known a single person to have melanoma. Obviously it happens, but it seems like it's quite rare.

01-03-17, 06:35
You had a cold which means your sinuses may have involved and i blew out a big chunk of bloody thick mucus after my last sinus infection so blood streaked phlegm im sure is a common thing with colds and stuff. Im not a doctor and if you continue to have blood streaked phlegm get it checked out but for now relax and see if it goes away.

02-03-17, 15:41
I feel you. I had the anxiety last week over a "severely atypical mole" and now I have to have some more removed from a moderately atypical mole. Feels like it's never ending, but you are paying attention and getting it checked. That's a good thing. Odds are, if it's anything, they may have to remove a bit more and then you'll be done with it.

02-03-17, 16:05
I just saw the report from my office visit on Monday, when the mole was removed. It looks like the doctor suspects melanoma. I'm so sick thinking about my daughter and leaving her without a mother.

06-03-17, 02:28
Have you gotten an official pathology report though or is that just what they thought at the time you got it removed?

07-03-17, 21:08
Just wanted to update everyone, because I know how helpful it's been for me to see positive updates. The mole was 100% benign. So, yes, it is possible to just develop new moles after 40, despite what Google says. Thank you everyone for your support.

07-03-17, 21:27
That is wonderful news!

07-03-17, 21:40
That is awesome!!!!

08-03-17, 00:02
Been watching your thread. I'm so happy it was nothing!

08-03-17, 02:53
Just wanted to update everyone, because I know how helpful it's been for me to see positive updates. The mole was 100% benign. So, yes, it is possible to just develop new moles after 40, despite what Google says. Thank you everyone for your support.


I hope you celebrate by doing something really nice for yourself.

13-03-17, 23:23
as I was reading this post , I can tell you that I am waiting on a mole biopsy and have also been in a total panic. Then I read the result that the mole biopsy is negative. I was very happy to hear that. Still waiting on my results, but I could have written the words of that other person myself. I will also post the results of my test. Hoping its negative also. Will stay off google to avoid more panic.