View Full Version : Shaking/trembling all over - always at night when I go to bed.

28-02-17, 01:18
Hey guys.

I hadn't been on this site for a good while as I had my anxiety under control but recently my symptoms have been rearing their ugly head some nights. not every night, but seems like it's every three days or so.

the main symptom that is bothering me tonight is the fact that I feel like my entire body is shaking/trembling. It's a very physical sensation and makes me feel like I'm not breathing deep enough which makes me more anxious and worsens the situation.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I really hope this makes sense, I'm feeling extremely edgy right now.

I took a propranolol just over half an hour ago, probably about 45 minutes ago. Just waiting for it to kick it, sincerely hoping it'll help me stop rattling, which usually it does.

Hope everyone here is feeling okay.

28-02-17, 01:25
I get the starving for breath thing sometimes at night but I think I might have sleep apnea and I wake myself snoring every so often too but that panic when you dont feel like you can get a deep breath sucks.

As much as you can, remember breathing is automatic and the more you try for that deep breath, the harder it will be to achieve.

28-02-17, 01:55
It's a dreadful feeling, isn't it? I know in my mind that you're right about breathing being an automatic thing. If only the non-logical, anxiety ridden part of the brain would be a bit more easily convinced!

Thanks for your speedy reply by the way. Much appreciated :yesyes: