View Full Version : Hi! :) (Warning: awkward post/women's problems)

28-02-17, 06:22
Hi! :) Sorry in advance this is quite long! I've had anxiety/PTSD since an event when I was 4-5. I've never really had health anxiety until now. Sorry in advance for the awkwardness of this subject lol. I'm 21 by the way. :)
I had bad health anxiety over this condition called PGAD (a condition where someone feels unwanted arousal and might even have painful spontaneous orgasms so many times a day - and there's no cure) since October last year, I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about it and that I might get it (I had a lot of causes like withdrawing from antidepressants and also bad pain after going on an exercise bike). The exercise bike or the constant tensing of my pelvic floor gave me piles (sorry again lol) which I didn't realise I had for a while. One day I was walking and it started throbbing and because I didn't know I had piles I FREAKED, I was convinced it was a spontaneous orgasm.

Anyway for a few days I was fully convinced I had PGAD even though I had no symptoms UNTIL I googled it. There I learnt of all the other symptoms and causes and all that and then I started to get every symptom I read. I get this unbearable cringy ticking/tingly/itchy sensation in the sides of my vulva but sometimes I also feel it in my feet, bladder, stomach or intestines and the top half of my legs and I guess it's what arousal could feel like. I've had many other symptoms but they've all gone once I was reassured I didn't have the condition that could cause them. (PGAD is more like a symptom of other conditions). I've had X-Rays, CT scan, MRI scan, some specialists (don't remember which ones) and 2 gynaecologists and every single one of them ruled out anything that could physically cause PGAD. One gynaecologist considered vulvodynia but I have no pain or other symptoms at all of that, it's literally just the tingling really. The doctor sorta confirmed I didn't have it after telling him that too.

Anyway... what I'm really hoping is to know if this is normal, the sensations are horrible and strong although it has been getting better - it went away for 2 weeks but came back after a small argument plus college stress. Despite all the reassurance I still somewhat believe I have something physically wrong with me. Other symptoms I get (but not as much) is a heavy feeling in my vulva, sometimes throbbing, and also gas pain. I'd love to know if anyone else has ever had the same experience even with a different condition? PGAD is classed as rare and very unheard of so I can't imagine finding a lot of people with the exact thing as me.

Thank you to anyone who has read this and sorry again for the longness and awkwardness!! :yesyes:

28-02-17, 06:35
Hiya Rbvdk and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Clydesdale Epona
28-02-17, 09:26
Welcome to NMP :)

I've heard about this condition but never giving it much thought actually,
you've definitely had more than enough doctors to tell you that its not which is something you can always think back on if you doubt yourself, as far as what it is I'm torn between being thanks to piles or ibs(tryst me it can get tingly down there thanks to it) or in your mind especially as your doctor has ruled everything out, never underestimate the power I your brain nor your anxiety x

All the best :hugs:

28-02-17, 18:39
Hey, Aiden01 thanks for the reassurance. :) Yeah I think it could be IBS although none of my Drs ever considered it and I don't know much about it but have heard a link between IBS and PGAD. Or just muscle tension caused by anxiety which can stimulate the nerves. Or both IBS and the muscle thing combined.. either way caused by anxiety. :p

Also, just wanna update and say, I saw a psychologist today who has helped people with health anxiety. She said it's completely normal and common for people who suffer with health anxiety to get the symptoms of what they're afraid of. It's kinda like imagining an itch somewhere constantly, you start feeling itchy. Plus anxiety powers it and it sorta engraves in your subconscious (meaning you can get these symptoms even when you're not consciously thinking about them). But it's nothing irreversible. :)

And thanks for the welcome, Venusbluejeans! :)

Clydesdale Epona
28-02-17, 19:34
Yeah i've heard the itch thing,
i do find if i fixate on my worries more they do increase x

01-03-17, 06:26
Same, but annoyingly I find that when I finally start to accept it's just anxiety causing it, I actually get new (mostly worse) symptoms. My mum and also something I've heard once says it's something to do with your brain trying to get your attention again. That reminds me, there's a really good video that explains intrusive thoughts really well and it's quite reassuring. It's from YouTube I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links though? It's called "How to deal with intrusive thoughts" and it has some little cartoon green monsters as the video still. I really recommend it to anyone reading this 'cos it gave me some reassurance on my health anxiety. :)

01-03-17, 06:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Since you've just hit on intrusive thoughts, did you know groinal responses occur with certain themes? It's a known issue and I've seen it as explained as the following in the Sexual Obsessions section when talking about OCD:

The OCD sufferer may have a constant focus on not becoming aroused or checking that they do not become aroused, and this may lead to "groinal response". Many OCD sufferers take this groinal response as actual arousal, when in reality it is not. OCD sexual obsessions often result in guilt, shame, depression and may interfere with social functioning or work. Approximately 40% of sufferers (number could be higher due to the embarrassment associated) also report some accompanying physiological arousal. Reactions can include increased heart rate, a feeling of being turned on, and even erections, increased lubrication (in women), and orgasm. This response typically generates more confusion and uncertainty. However, this is a conditioned physiological response in the primitive thalamus of a brain which does not identify the thought as sex with a particular person, just sex. This is generally not indicative of one's own personal desires.

Obviously association springs to mind with anything in anxiety when we decide it must be a symptom of something. It's learned behaviour after all so we are training our subconscious to associate it with our feared obsession or outcome.

01-03-17, 09:57
Hi! Thank you so much for that information, I've never heard of that before! That just fits so much! I wish I had known about it before I got so convinced it was PGAD. This really helps and changes everything. :) So is this normal to happen even when you're not consciously thinking about it? I think it's quite rare for me to get it when I don't think about it but it does still happen and scares me when it does. And so if it's a learnt-behaviour, as hard as it can be, it's still reversible which is very hopeful! :) I think the most scariest to me is that I feel it in my dreams sometimes and even wake up orgasming sometimes too which gives me a day long panic attack, is that normal too though?
Thanks again! :yesyes:

mary jane
08-06-17, 21:12
you normally get PGAD as a result of nerve damage so you don't have this, no worries..it's very very very very rare :)

16-06-17, 10:43
Hello and welcome to the forum, Rbvdk. I like the username. The struggle with anxiety is one I know very well. However, support makes such a significant, positive difference. I hope you find that this is a helpful place to be.

08-05-18, 16:23
Hey Rbvdk!
I came across this post as I'm currently also scared that I have PGAD for similar reasons as you. I was just curious to know if you've been able to get past the fear of having PGAD and know for sure now that it was just anxiety.

20-05-18, 13:36
I just want to write an update because when I had this, I read so many scary negative things and a reassuring posts and comments helped so much so I wanna tell anyone who is reading about my positive experience! :)

My symptoms turned out to be completely psychosomatic/HA induced! :) I had it for about 7 months and it took alot ALOT of convincing reassurence etc to finally realise it's just my anxiety, then it just slowly went away! :) But it did take time, and I did still get it during stress or whenever my brain believed I should have it (like for a while I believed periods and too much walking would trigger real pgad and so whenever I did that - my brain actually triggered it as if it was real) so yeah although it went away completely I did get it just before periods for a day or 2 for about 3 months later which shows how strong your brain can be when it comes to psychosomatic symptoms!

Anyway the next month I got it again only it felt different - still arousal but in my urethra this time and alot stronger and the things that helped me before, didn't anymore, like distraction - sometimes it did but it was much much harder. That actually took a whole year to get rid of (which is quite reassuring actually because after that long you might give up hope). But when it finally went.. it happens AGAIN only in different places in and around my vulva, but alot weaker this time and alot easier to distract away. And again, I was reassured and it faded in just over a month.

The way I see it now is your anxiety is like a spoilt child that NEEDS your attention and fear. The more you ignore it, it eventually goes away but not after trying to cause more fuss and new fears out of desperation (Maybe not for everyone but that's how it is for most, sadly). It's funny actually, because I can actually feel it getting very desperate now. I haven't had any symptoms or fears for weeks now and then my period comes again and it actually tries to scare me with my old original symptoms! I actually just laughed and it went away the next day lol!

So yeah I've learnt, when you have HA your brain is kinda working against you which is scary cos it's very powerful. Distraction and reassurence was vital for me - especially when I was close to suicide. Always always have someone to talk to and be open to people who are close to you about it because honestly, just when I told my mum, it already halved my pain and I didn't feel alone anymore. Pgad is definitely a condition that can make you feel alone so it's probably the most important thing to do for your sanity to talk to someone close to you. Anyway I hope that's reassured people who have these fears right now and are looking through forums like I used to. :) (obviously always go the doctor in case there's an actual cause or even just for some reassurence- they won't laugh or judge.) :)

23-07-18, 18:37
Thanks so much for sharing this because it gave some reassurance. :)
Also I now feel like I'm not the only one going through the exact same issue because I thought I was going crazy. LOL.
I started experiencing my symptoms when I started taking anti-depressants for anxiety only the second day in. I was getting strange muscle spasms kind of like electric jolts and this immediately scared me.
When I looked it up pgad came up and since there is a link with anti-depressants and pgad I stopped taking them since I was terrified I had gotten this from taking them.
My symptoms started getting worse, started feling like I couldn't empty my bladder ect. There would only be short moments where I wouldn't feel symptoms and I would be relieved and be like okay it's gone only for it to come back later on and get overcome with fear again. It went away after completely after my first night on holiday, making me believe it was over only for it to come back again when I came back.
I kept ignoring it but carried on developing new symptoms like IBS related issues and I started blaming my initial symptoms on these IBS ones. But the other ones kept getting worse and I started getting like an unpleasant tingling kind of like pins and needles like how you described it. For some reason mine is mostly on one side which makes no sense to me. I've been tested for a UTI twice but don't have one. Then I started getting new symptoms like pains and aches ect. I can relate to you saying about the walking and period thing because whenever I'm in a car I ask myself if it feels like I have it and it's usually my only thought. Sometimes I think I have it sometimes I think I don't. I can alternate between these states multiple times throughout the day. It's quite maddening as I'm sure you can relate. Just now though, I found myself 100% convinced I have pgad and got upset since I heard this ruins peoples lives and they can't work ect. But I seen this forum and it gave me some hope that it could all just be anxiety driven so thanks again for sharing this :) I just can't stop thinking about the fact that the first symptom started before reading about the condition when on the anti-depressants but mabey there's another explanation.
Anyway sorry this was so long and rambley but I hope you're doing well now. All the best :)
Btw I'm 20 years old, female

25-07-18, 11:29
I can understand these thing iam also scared about pgad and ic mine started after a uti which cleared up but some symptoms stayed i googled like a mad person sometimes 5 hours a day reading all the horror stories it was very depressing and i was suicidal and started getting new symptoms which triggered more fear and panic it’s a vicious cycle Iam 21 and it’s ruining my life

25-07-18, 13:54
I can understand these thing iam also scared about pgad and ic mine started after a uti which cleared up but some symptoms stayed i googled like a mad person sometimes 5 hours a day reading all the horror stories it was very depressing and i was suicidal and started getting new symptoms which triggered more fear and panic it’s a vicious cycle Iam 21 and it’s ruining my life

Hi there, since you had a UTI I wonder if your having some symptoms that are lingering for a while longer but will eventually go away. I'm not entirely sure but there could be a connection. How long ago was your UTI and have you seen a doctor about this. I can sort of relate to your situation this past week I've wasted on googling. It really does suck but I hope we can find answers soon. Hang in there. Also try talking to someone about it and comstantly distract yourself to try and avoid google and help you feel better emotionaly in the meantime.

26-07-18, 05:20
My uti was in January been a long time initially i didn’t have as many symptoms before i googled Initially after uti i felt a little off nothing much i freaked out about the possibility of sti or bladder cancer had the tests it was ruled out
Since then my mind is stuck on ic with ic and pgad it’s very difficult to chuck it out as there is no definitive test to rule them out i wish it could be something easier to rule out with blood test
I have seen tons of doctor nothing much was found
Also i have noticed iam hyper aware of vagina like we have ears or nose but we don’t think we do but whole day i feel like i have a vagina lol doesn’t even make sense
That’s health anxiety 🤦*♀️

26-07-18, 08:59
My uti was in January been a long time initially i didn’t have as many symptoms before i googled Initially after uti i felt a little off nothing much i freaked out about the possibility of sti or bladder cancer had the tests it was ruled out
Since then my mind is stuck on ic with ic and pgad it’s very difficult to chuck it out as there is no definitive test to rule them out i wish it could be something easier to rule out with blood test
I have seen tons of doctor nothing much was found
Also i have noticed iam hyper aware of vagina like we have ears or nose but we don’t think we do but whole day i feel like i have a vagina lol doesn’t even make sense
That’s health anxiety 🤦*♀️

Ah right yeah if it got worse after googling I would say it's probably your health anxiety. I've been worrying about all the same conditions but pgad especially. I was hoping I had a UTI found in the test, which I know sounds weird but then I would know it's nothing serious and they could give me something for it to go away. Everyone thinks it's all in my head lol but it feels real. Lol I know what you mean with that hyperawaeness. I've been feling like that all week.

26-07-18, 11:06
See your doctor again maybe she could help or refer you to pelvic floor therapist i wanted pelvic floor therapy too but it’s very expensive There are some streches on youtube about tight pelvic floor which could help.
Also look up tms wiki if you think your symptoms could be anxiety based it was a huge help for me if you go there you can even see my posts .

26-07-18, 11:33
See your doctor again maybe she could help or refer you to pelvic floor therapist i wanted pelvic floor therapy too but it’s very expensive There are some streches on youtube about tight pelvic floor which could help.
Also look up tms wiki if you think your symptoms could be anxiety based it was a huge help for me if you go there you can even see my posts .

Thanks for your help :)

27-07-18, 13:39
Iam having a bad day todAy the area down there is feeling weird slight burning and pins and needles.It’s scary iam on verge of having a panick attack

28-07-18, 03:12
Iam having a bad day todAy the area down there is feeling weird slight burning and pins and needles.It’s scary iam on verge of having a panick attack

Sorry you were having bad day. I get the exact same thing when it happens to me usualy on one side for some reason and when sitting down it's worse. I find meditation videos on YouTube quite helpful when I'm feling like this because it takes my mind off the sensations. Any kind of distraction at all is helpful really. Like going to the gym, doing chores or anything that requires concentration. Hope this helps. x

28-07-18, 10:02
Are you taking any medication for it and dis your doctors told the cause?

28-07-18, 20:04
Are you taking any medication for it and dis your doctors told the cause?

I'm not at that moment. I was thinking of trying different herbal medications as a sort of experiment to see if anything works. I only told my doctor about the muscle spasms and the bladder symptoms because I was too embarrassed to mention the other things and then they did a water test. But no UTI. My doctor thought my bladder issues are connected to my constipation issues which I was having before so I'm wondering if IBS can cause symptoms like that. Because I also get some buttock pain and it feels like pins and needles all over when I sit down. It's more like tingling that spreads all over and the muscle spasms I get at the same time kind of like a pulse or heartbeat that spreads. I have no idea though. I'm going to try herbal IBS medication soon and if it works then I know what it is. But if not I might just have to face up to it and tell my doctor every symptom without missing anything out. I want this to go away before I go on holiday. How was your symptoms today?

28-07-18, 21:17
Better than yesterday, i took flu medication yesterday which included antibiotics so maybe it could be related to that i also get tingling around my hips and pelvis like the same tingling you get when leg sleeps( when you sit crossed leg without moving) also there is a amazing thread uti bs bladder cancer alot of people had same symptoms some of them even got better.It’s good to know you aren’t alone

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

Better than yesterday, i took flu medication yesterday which included antibiotics so maybe it could be related to that i also get tingling around my hips and pelvis like the same tingling you get when leg sleeps( when you sit crossed leg without moving) also there is a amazing thread uti bs bladder cancer alot of people had same symptoms some of them even got better.It’s good to know you aren’t alone

29-07-18, 00:27
Better than yesterday, i took flu medication yesterday which included antibiotics so maybe it could be related to that i also get tingling around my hips and pelvis like the same tingling you get when leg sleeps( when you sit crossed leg without moving) also there is a amazing thread uti bs bladder cancer alot of people had same symptoms some of them even got better.It’s good to know you aren’t alone

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

Better than yesterday, i took flu medication yesterday which included antibiotics so maybe it could be related to that i also get tingling around my hips and pelvis like the same tingling you get when leg sleeps( when you sit crossed leg without moving) also there is a amazing thread uti bs bladder cancer alot of people had same symptoms some of them even got better.It’s good to know you aren’t alone

Yeah true, sometimes I feel like my symptoms are weird and feel like I'm just an odd one out so that is good to know lol. I just worry about the symptoms meaning something serious but hopefully they would have picked that up in the water test although I'm not sure if they test for that while just testing for an infection. Glad your symptoms are improving. :)

30-07-18, 10:49
Distraction is the key i guess but i know it’s difficult with health anxiety but if nothing serious is found i guess distraction should work

30-07-18, 16:11
Distraction is the key i guess but i know it’s difficult with health anxiety but if nothing serious is found i guess distraction should work

Yeah that's true my doctor told me all of my symptoms are related to my constipation issues so I know it's nothing serious now and it was just my health anxiety paying attention to every little symptom and thinking of it as something more. It was just something minor all along.

30-07-18, 16:31
I wish someone gave me this advice but stop looking up google or forums even this one stop associating yourself with the symptoms let the fear starve i worried abot it for 6 months physically it wasn’t bad but my anxiety and depression made it look it so worse i wasted precious 6 months of my life worrying about it , my grades dropped i stopped going out to parties basically i stopped living i was in fear all the time always worrying about what if it goes worse like all the horror stories i read about but it didn’t get worse even after 6 months . But do update when you get all better it’s good to know people beating the demon lol .

30-07-18, 18:27
I wish someone gave me this advice but stop looking up google or forums even this one stop associating yourself with the symptoms let the fear starve i worried abot it for 6 months physically it wasn’t bad but my anxiety and depression made it look it so worse i wasted precious 6 months of my life worrying about it , my grades dropped i stopped going out to parties basically i stopped living i was in fear all the time always worrying about what if it goes worse like all the horror stories i read about but it didn’t get worse even after 6 months . But do update when you get all better it’s good to know people beating the demon lol .

Thanks for your advice :). It's definitely true that obsessive googling can make everything worse, because one night I was feling symptoms and after a full night of googling I swear the symptoms got worse overnight as if I had made myself ill or something from panicking. I've learned my lesson from that now though. It sounds like you had a really tough time in those 6 months, it's a shame how anxiety can take over peoples lives like that. I will update when my symptoms improve :). I hope yours continue to improve as well.

10-08-18, 15:55
Hey I'm Rbvdk this is my new account because I lost either the email or password for Rbvdk, I'm not sure which one it was xD I'm glad to hear I could give some reassurence! My psychsomatic symptoms were so real and your brain really wants you to believe it's real to the point of causing triggers that the real condition has (if that makes sense). I think from my experience, reading what you both have written sounds like yours are psychsomatic/anxiety. LMAnonymous, just because you didn't have pgad in your mind in the beginning it doesn't mean it can't be anxiety, trust me. :) There are so many people who get psychosomatic versions of conditions before they even know about that condition, in fact from what I've read I think it's just as common as people who get symptoms of a condition they do know about. I remember I started getting new symptoms before I knew they had anything to do with Pudendal Nerve/IC (which were the main things I was scared of that could have been causing PGAD) and that convinced me it wasn't anxiety but yep, it was, thankfully! :)

I'm starting to think, not only do we have the symptoms that the brain is causing but we're also getting the muscle and hypersensitivity symptoms because of the focus were putting there. Which is annoying because muscles can be sensitive for a week or whatever (I don't know much about muscles) after the focus so when you finally convince yourself your symptoms are in your head enough for the psychosomatic symptoms to go, you're still left with the muscle/hypersensitivity for a bit which is a huge off-put because it'll make you believe you really do still have the condition since those symptoms didn't go away.

Sorry this is long, it makes me so sad to see there's so many people who suffer with the fear of this condition and I swear somehow I'm going to help find a cure for it one day lol! :) But I'm back on this website because my HA and psychosomatic things have returned after coming off antidepressants. I said this last time so I know I sound silly, but this time I think I'm definitely getting something from the withdrawals, hence my anxiety. :( I'm going to post on my thread soon (if you wanna look), it's mostly just been urethra and bladder symptoms but today I've been feeling weird down there, it's very sensitive to touch and when I poke around there it feels like arousal which is scaring me ugh.

Hope we can all get through this no matter what the causes. But yeah both yours sounds like anxiety to me from my experience. :)

2 more thing, never get disheartened if your symptoms pop up even after being convinced you're fine. This is your anxiety needing attention and also sort of like muscle memory. Its a habbit and unfourtanatly they don't always go away instantly. It takes time, alot of distraction and belief. Another thing is... does anyone notice you get new symptoms after being reassured about your last ones? I'm getting that now ugh lol

11-08-18, 10:24
Hey it’s good to hear back from you i joined the facebook group you were talking about my symptoms have been there since starting of this year which is very annoying and my biggest fear is ic But i feel most of my symptoms in urethra and they vary alot like one day it would feel like spams other day frequency other day soreness down there .
How did you go about when you still feel symptoms about it veing anxiety and ignoring it

11-08-18, 15:55
Hey cool I hope you find it helpful especially when more people join and it's properly set up. :) My biggest fear is ic too! :/ And that's actually what I've been getting lately too but I had some reassurence and it's getting better already. :) I guess you gotta think of the things even anxiety alone can do, muscle pain/ache, swelling, sensitivity, tingling, itching, excessive or lack of blood flow, irritation, burning, pins and needles, spasms and definitely frequency. People with anxiety get these symptoms anywhere, any time, on and off or constant, so it makes sense we can get them down there especially when our biggest fears are focused in that area plus the symptoms can be the same. Then there's symptoms that are minds can cause (psychsomatic) which can range from absolutely any symptom at all. I've noticed before during and after my period I'm much more sore and sensitive down there, especially above my clit. Maybe that's normal anyway though?

Ah it was hard but fun haha, because I got really obsessed with other things like the band Gorillaz for example, I love art and music so I drew them lots and listened to all their songs all the time. I loved the characters so I thought and learnt about them alot and it eventually replaced my HA thoughts and it was so nice googling about something other than symptoms lol. :) You need something you really love that consumes your whole mind that you can play, watch, create, research, listen, learn about etc. Once you find something like that it'll be a massive help. With my obsession with Gorrilaz plus reassurence and belief it took about 3 months for my symptoms to fully go but they were very rare and only came up when I believed they should have come up (like pudendal nerve or ic triggers). I think it'll be different for everyone with how fast they'll go away, other times it's only taken a week or even instantly, I can imagine for some it could take alot longer. It all depends on the mindset I think plus the brain is in a habbit of giving those symptoms but you can break habbits. I hope this gives some reassurence though and just know not to give up no matter if it comes back or how long it takes. :)

11-08-18, 18:36
Hey I'm Rbvdk this is my new account because I lost either the email or password for Rbvdk, I'm not sure which one it was xD I'm glad to hear I could give some reassurence! My psychsomatic symptoms were so real and your brain really wants you to believe it's real to the point of causing triggers that the real condition has (if that makes sense). I think from my experience, reading what you both have written sounds like yours are psychsomatic/anxiety. LMAnonymous, just because you didn't have pgad in your mind in the beginning it doesn't mean it can't be anxiety, trust me. :) There are so many people who get psychosomatic versions of conditions before they even know about that condition, in fact from what I've read I think it's just as common as people who get symptoms of a condition they do know about. I remember I started getting new symptoms before I knew they had anything to do with Pudendal Nerve/IC (which were the main things I was scared of that could have been causing PGAD) and that convinced me it wasn't anxiety but yep, it was, thankfully! :)

I'm starting to think, not only do we have the symptoms that the brain is causing but we're also getting the muscle and hypersensitivity symptoms because of the focus were putting there. Which is annoying because muscles can be sensitive for a week or whatever (I don't know much about muscles) after the focus so when you finally convince yourself your symptoms are in your head enough for the psychosomatic symptoms to go, you're still left with the muscle/hypersensitivity for a bit which is a huge off-put because it'll make you believe you really do still have the condition since those symptoms didn't go away.

Sorry this is long, it makes me so sad to see there's so many people who suffer with the fear of this condition and I swear somehow I'm going to help find a cure for it one day lol! :) But I'm back on this website because my HA and psychosomatic things have returned after coming off antidepressants. I said this last time so I know I sound silly, but this time I think I'm definitely getting something from the withdrawals, hence my anxiety. :( I'm going to post on my thread soon (if you wanna look), it's mostly just been urethra and bladder symptoms but today I've been feeling weird down there, it's very sensitive to touch and when I poke around there it feels like arousal which is scaring me ugh.

Hope we can all get through this no matter what the causes. But yeah both yours sounds like anxiety to me from my experience. :)

2 more thing, never get disheartened if your symptoms pop up even after being convinced you're fine. This is your anxiety needing attention and also sort of like muscle memory. Its a habbit and unfourtanatly they don't always go away instantly. It takes time, alot of distraction and belief. Another thing is... does anyone notice you get new symptoms after being reassured about your last ones? I'm getting that now ugh lol

Hi Rbvdk thanks again for the reassurance :). I also get the same weird feling down there and for some reason it's on one side more than the other, never understood why lol. I think it's been calming down lately. I was convinced I just had constipation issues after going to the doctors until this one day I went on a bus that was really shaky and when I sat a certain way I had like a shockwave kind of thing going through that area. Not painful (although the area itself is) but not comfortable either and also very worrying because it convinced me I have pgad and I was back at the start again. I had these a few more times after that over the next few days but they've stopped for some time for now. But like you said it could just be my anxiety wanting my attention after having that reassurance at the doctors. And that happens to me too with the new symptoms coming up lol. My anxiety all started with my heart for me and sometimes if my "pgad symptoms" go away I will notice my "heart symptoms" and worry about them instead and vice versa. It feels like there's always something to worry about lol. Hope you're doing well.

11-08-18, 19:01
Hey! Haha it's weird you say about the one side thing because my first pgad/pn symptoms were on one side too foe ages and you just made me remember that lol! I remember it was mostly on the right side but after a while it'd start moving around, so weird. It really sounds like anxiety because of how your brain is trying to quickly give you a new symptom to focus on while you're reassured about the other. And those shockwave things! I had those too, it sounds to me like your body has relaxed subconsciously after reassurence which has left your muscles shaky (I used to get a shaky feeling and burning in my groin after reassurence) it's like if you've been tensing your arm for days for example, it goes weak and shaky and can sometimes burn once its finally relaxed or tired. And we are always subconciously tensing our pelvic muscles even slightly, from the focus and anxiety. But yeah it totally causes those shock things 100% so don't worry about those. :) It's actually a good sign that your muscles are relaxing and recovering from the tension. :) Thank you, I'm so glad to hear you've been doing better too. :) I'm going to write a mini survival guide on my Psychosomatic Support Facebook group soon of how to distract etc if you're interested! :)

Update- I see now you meant the bus was shaky but I still stand by what I said haha. :) Although to be honest I think it's normal to get things like that while on a shaky bus anyway, it might not have had anything to do with anxiety.

11-08-18, 19:21
Hey! Haha it's weird you say about the one side thing because my first pgad/pn symptoms were on one side too foe ages and you just made me remember that lol! I remember it was mostly on the right side but after a while it'd start moving around, so weird. It really sounds like anxiety because of how your brain is trying to quickly give you a new symptom to focus on while you're reassured about the other. And those shockwave things! I had those too, it sounds to me like your body has relaxed subconsciously after reassurence which has left your muscles shakey (I used to get a shaky feeling and burning in my groin after reassurence) it's like if you've been tensing your arm for days for example, it goes weak and shaky and can sometimes burn once its finally relaxed or tired. And we are always subconciously tensing our pelvic muscles even slightly, from the focus and anxiety. But yeah it totally causes those shock things 100% so don't worry about those. :) It's actually a good sign that your muscles are relaxing and recovering from the tension. :) Thank you, I'm so glad to hear you've been doing better too. :) I'm going to write a mini survival guide on my Psychosomatic Support Facebook group soon of how to distract etc if you're interested! :)

Mine sort of spread in a way too since it started lower down and was that way for ages but I woke up one day and felt as though it spread higher up but only on the left side haha. It's funny how our symptoms are so similar.
Yeah that makes sense, they should really teach you these things in schools rather than some of the stuff you're never going to remember or need to know lol. I seen your previous post about how you managed to use distraction which I agree with because I love video editing and can get immersed in it for hours and I have to focus. So it's ideal for me to carry on using as a distraction. :) I will check out the facebook group. :)

11-08-18, 19:36
That is weird we are very similar! And they really should, especially since anxiety is really common now. :( Most stuff at school is useless and the stress of it is what causes anxiety in the first place. And oh video editing is so fun! I used to make AMVs when I was younger haha and yeah they are good for getting your full attention, I'm glad you have something fun to focus on. :) And awesome, I'll be making the guide later tonight and will probably post it tomorrow. :) If you feel like joining feel free to pm me on fb messanger if you have any questions or want more info about my experiences or just need someone to talk to! :D

11-08-18, 21:26
That is weird we are very similar! And they really should, especially since anxiety is really common now. :( Most stuff at school is useless and the stress of it is what causes anxiety in the first place. And oh video editing is so fun! I used to make AMVs when I was younger haha and yeah they are good for getting your full attention, I'm glad you have something fun to focus on. :) And awesome, I'll be making the guide later tonight and will probably post it tomorrow. :) If you feel like joining feel free to pm me on fb messanger if you have any questions or want more info about my experiences or just need someone to talk to! :D

The only thing with the shaky bus was that a few days after I was still getting those shockwave things like just from sitting down and stuff. I'd had them before that but not as intense so I'm not sure if the bus made it worse or if it was just a coincidence. But they've calmed down now so I think it's probably what you were saying earlier. :) That's cool I make quite a lot of GMV's and put them on YouTube. :) I'll join the Facebook group. What do I need to type in the search bar on Facebook to find it? Thanks again. :)

11-08-18, 21:46
Ah I see, yeah they do sound like something normal especially with anxiety. I guess we also gotta remind ourselves that even people without anxiety can get weird symptoms/twinges/pains in their bodies every now and then that can last a few days on and off etc. Oh GMVs that's awesome! What kind of music do you like by the way? :D It's called Psychosomatic Support and has a forest picture :) Thanks for joining by the way, I really hope it will help you and other people! :)

11-08-18, 22:19
Ah I see, yeah they do sound like something normal especially with anxiety. I guess we also gotta remind ourselves that even people without anxiety can get weird symptoms/twinges/pains in their bodies every now and then that can last a few days on and off etc. Oh GMVs that's awesome! What kind of music do you like by the way? :D It's called Psychosomatic Support and has a forest picture :) Thanks for joining by the way, I really hope it will help you and other people! :)

Yeah that's true :) And I think when people with anxiety get those symptoms or twinges we worry about them more and make them last longer. I'm into indie/folk kind of style of music. But I like slow relaxing music too. Sleeping at last is my favorite and my favorite by him is saturn. It's a sad song but I love it lol. :) How about you? Okay I'll check it out now. :)

I typed it in the search bar but can't seem to find it. Is it possible you could post the link for it please :)

11-08-18, 23:53
(I had to have at least 10 posts to post an URL so I'm using this account lol ) I've never heard those songs but I love indie music a lot too and some pop/punk/rock. :D My favourite bands are Radiohead (They're music is so relaxing and unique!) and Twenty One Pilots, I don't normally like rap but they're very different and their lyrics are perfect for depression and anxiety, I relate to them so much in so many different situations <3 And ah that's weird, it's the first group I've made so I might not have done something properly when it comes to searching for it lol. Here's a link, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1088230817992619/ I'm going to post part 1 of the survival guide tomorrow haha, hopefully it'll be helpful to someone! :D
I'm going to sleep now so I'll reply to anything tomorrow, g'night! :3

12-08-18, 22:03
(I had to have at least 10 posts to post an URL so I'm using this account lol ) I've never heard those songs but I love indie music a lot too and some pop/punk/rock. :D My favourite bands are Radiohead (They're music is so relaxing and unique!) and Twenty One Pilots, I don't normally like rap but they're very different and their lyrics are perfect for depression and anxiety, I relate to them so much in so many different situations <3 And ah that's weird, it's the first group I've made so I might not have done something properly when it comes to searching for it lol. Here's a link, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1088230817992619/ I'm going to post part 1 of the survival guide tomorrow haha, hopefully it'll be helpful to someone! :D
I'm going to sleep now so I'll reply to anything tomorrow, g'night! :3

Thanks :) I joined the group. My family love radiohead so I started listening to them recently and their really good. :)

13-08-18, 09:52
Awesome I hope when it gets bigger it can be some help to you! :D And that's so cool, they are I love them so much heh <3

27-08-18, 23:14
Hi, how is everyone doing?