View Full Version : Day 10 (again)

28-02-17, 11:01
Definitely better. Mornings were a bit anxious but this has subsided today. Evenings are pretty good. Sleep is still a bit broken up but no problems dropping off. Very different from 9 days ago.

28-02-17, 12:43
I am on my 10th day of Cit and I feel that my sleep is great, I doze off really quickly and my alarm has to wake me up that has never happened to me before. I still have the anxiety but I somehow feel that its not as wicked as it was before, do you feel the same?

Had some nausea the first few days and dizziness.

28-02-17, 13:35
Very similar.... I guess the side effects window has mostly passed. Next, 20mg and upwards!

28-02-17, 14:05
Interesting. I see my GP again mid March to evaluate the dosage I am on.