View Full Version : it's getting harder

28-02-17, 16:45
I've been having a problem with anxiety for nine months but recently everything got worse. I feel down, hopeless, more and more depressed.
I'm tired about anxiety. I don't remember how is it to feel normal. I don't remember how is it to feel happy. I don't remember the last time that I thought "today i'm feeling so good". I don't remember the last time i ate an entire meal because i was hungry. I don't remember having a day in which I wasn't feeling tired and sleepy.
I started to cut my veins again. Sometimes I feel like it's not worth it keep living. This is not life. Not at 19 years old. I'm tired about this life. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I want to stay alive.

28-02-17, 17:18
I understand how you feel, as I have felt like that plenty of times. But it is worth living. There are people who care about us, and even when we are so low emotionally that we don't feel like we truly care about them, we do. Are you in any type of counseling or on any type of medication? Most of us can't do this on our own, we need help whether that be therapy, meds or a mixture of the two. I don't know you personally, but I care about you, and I wish you well.