View Full Version : Adrenaline rush feeling

28-02-17, 17:51
Hi all . 34 year old male here who suffers from health anxiety

A new symptom i've been experiencing is a weird adrenaline rush feeling. I started getting it right at the point of falling asleep where a rushing feeling would wake me at the point of nodding off.

I now sometimes get this if I'm tired or generally random times in the day. Sometimes mild sometimes a big rush to the head with some intense ear ringing which goes after a few seconds. i can also feel the feeling in my stomach sometimes when I get the adrenaline rush feeling.

Is this just anxiety and because I'm always on alert? Anyone relate to this ?

Thanks for your time :)

28-02-17, 19:09
Yes, it is anxiety. Lasts a split second, but enough to scare the pants out of you.
I've had hundreds and they can strike anytime, anywhere and normally when you are relaxing. You have to remember that they can not harm you, it just feels uncomfortable and makes you scared.

01-03-17, 04:34
I get that too. When it happens again, remind yourself that it's happened before and that you came out fine. That'll mitigate some of the anxiety.

01-03-17, 04:46
Yup, had that before too. Exact same thing, hits right at the point of falling asleep. It's all rooted in stress/anxiety. Do you have a lot of life stress lately?

01-03-17, 11:16
Yes I've had some health worries recently over a dentist visit as well as a small lump above my jawline. I have booked into the doctors next week so hopefully put my mind at rest.

This is a new symptom to me and it's hard to believe it can make you feel so awful like "how can this be just anxiety". It comes out the blue and appears quite scary especially the sudden high pitched feeling in my ear.

You have all helped me relax a bit more thank you :hugs:

18-03-17, 10:20
I get them too. Always when I'm relaxing as sitting in a chair and watching tv. It feels like the whole body stops for a second or spins backwards, like it reset. It's very uncomfortable and scars the shit out every time it happens.

20-03-17, 10:41
Hi. I get them too but in morning when im trying to sleep. I was told that i have adrenal burn out. Always in fight and flight mode. I found by gala. Adrenal repair. You take before bed and really helps. Seems to calm that feeling down lot.