View Full Version : One pa after the other - please help if you can

28-02-17, 18:13
Suffered with panic attacks for decades but not this bad. I am literally having one flash of adrenaline after the other staying with me for a few minutes, getting a minute peace then panic attack again. I can't breathe properly and I am dizzy, shaking and have like internal vibrations. I am trying so hard to not care about it but it's so hard. That hot feeling in the upper stomach that comes first then goes all over the body. Putting one foot in front of the other is taking my breath away.

Those who have panic attacks please tell me that I'll always get my breath I am so scared. Can you keep getting one pa after the other for hours?

I am listening to Doctor Weekes teachings while playing games but she teaches to 'accept' and 'not shrink from' the feelings and thoughts and I just can't do that. She says if we can do this our problems would be solved!

Cold and hot, shaking, trembling, vibrating inside, lack of air, can't breathe properly, dizzy, heart beating fast, dry mouth, can't seam to swallow saliva and tingling in hands and lips.........does this sound like a panic attack? I'm also getting that feeling of hunger that you get in your stomach but I'm not hungry, I had something to eat not that long ago.

I could kick myself for being so scared for so many years but if I could get over it I would have done that the very first time I felt anxious.

Please help me :weep::weep:

28-02-17, 18:22
I have had this aswell and yes they do gradually get less and less. Try slow breathing or distracting yourself

28-02-17, 19:05
BettyBoop, as Claire Weekes will tell you it is 'Fear' that is causing this.
You seem to be in a state of high anxiety.
The symptoms are feeding the fear and as a result your symptoms are worsening because of that.
You have to trust that if you acknowledge the symptom, understand why you are feeling this way and gently push through and carry on with whatever you are doing.
I've had reoccurrences of this myself. It's really quite frightening, but you have to pace yourself, stay strong and talk to yourself if you like, but if you push through them, you will defeat them. I know what you are going to say, that you feel that you can't do that. Well, start with baby steps. When you get a dry mouth, try and change your thought process and just have drink and tell yourself you are thirsty; and NOT having panic. I carry a bottle of water around with me all of the time. It has become my dummy so-to-speak. :D You know what the feelings are, you have been depressed and that feeds the anxiety, so just take everything you do with time.
Breathing exercises are hard to do when anxiety is high, but there is one that you can do through the nostrils which does not make you faint. You can get that online. x :hugs:

28-02-17, 21:32
My eyes have gone cross-eyed from all the games I'm playing and I have a headache now :weep:

Thank you Shezney and Carnation (again - ure so kind) for your replies. I am really trying to not try and get rid of the anxiety but to float thru it........omg this is hard!! Still having sensations on and off but I must just let them come without being scared...or at first too scared.....whatever I know what to do but it's difficult doing it. My legs have gone numb and I've bitten my gums am so tense could bite a nail in two but hey ho!! She says as she tries desperately to be flippant about it:lac::lac:

And NMP just went off for a couple of minutes......I thought I'd been on here so long I had broken it !!

28-02-17, 22:12
I've been like this for most of today, it will pass. I'm watching Only Fools and Horses on Gold and it helps. Any easy watching usually helps me a little :bighug1:

28-02-17, 22:18
I am only 23 but have been suffering for over 10 years.
I completely understand how you are feeling.
I was taken to the hospital by my mum the other day, as i was totally freaking out.
I was having Panic attack after panic attack and tbh i think i would still be having the same problem if it wasn't for the medication i am taking to control it now.
(I NEVER use medication normally)

The panic attack can get so bad it makes u utterly believe there is something wrong with you.

Right now, i have just taken a pill to calm down, as I feel i have shorteness of breath and like a lump in my throat. Its making me panic as i feel i cant control my tongue properly.

Panic attacks are nasty, life destroying problems.
I have had to take the week of work, but still am terrified of returning, as my last panic attack happened at work.

Sorry to go on.

What you are experiencing is something i also experience. Try watching some really terrible but amusing youtube videos. That sometimes helps me.

I wish you all the best. I know we can get through this!!

28-02-17, 23:15
I've been like this for most of today, it will pass. I'm watching Only Fools and Horses on Gold and it helps. Any easy watching usually helps me a little :bighug1:

Thanks for replying Matt. Sorry you're suffering today too. I can never concentrate on tv, I have to play games and stuff like that, it's exhausting really :blush::blush: I have been playing games on here since about 6pm, my eyes are killing me :scared15::scared15:


---------- Post added at 23:15 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------

I am only 23 but have been suffering for over 10 years.
I completely understand how you are feeling.
I was taken to the hospital by my mum the other day, as i was totally freaking out.
I was having Panic attack after panic attack and tbh i think i would still be having the same problem if it wasn't for the medication i am taking to control it now.
(I NEVER use medication normally)

The panic attack can get so bad it makes u utterly believe there is something wrong with you.

Right now, i have just taken a pill to calm down, as I feel i have shorteness of breath and like a lump in my throat. Its making me panic as i feel i cant control my tongue properly.

Panic attacks are nasty, life destroying problems.
I have had to take the week of work, but still am terrified of returning, as my last panic attack happened at work.

Sorry to go on.

What you are experiencing is something i also experience. Try watching some really terrible but amusing youtube videos. That sometimes helps me.

I wish you all the best. I know we can get through this!!

Hey Holly

Thank you for replying. I am sorry that you had to go to hospital, I was thinking about doing it earlier I was so bad, Never been before and have been suffering for way too many years to tell!!

I have been playing games and I also downloaded an app for anxiety sufferers on playstore (or whatever it's called), it was free and it's quite good, got me thinking anyway, which is what I want. Nothing has helped me so far so down a different road I go :wacko:
