View Full Version : Finally positive news

28-02-17, 23:13
Hi fellow anxiety warriors!

So I just thought I should do a quick post to say - after about 3 months on 10mg and 2 1/2 months on 20mg I'm finally feeling better!!!!

I can go to the shops without feeling panicked, I can speak to people without feeling like I'm going to faint, I can sleep, I can FUNCTION!!!

Holy sh*t it was a rough ride but I just want to say to anyone struggling- do NOT give up. 2nd time on cit and it was so much harder... and took me 3 times as long to feel anything. But I am so happy I stuck with it!

Obvs there is still down days- but that's human emotion. Some derealisation still but mainly if I'm tired, laugh too much (not a bad thing!) or around people I don't know well.

Genuinely never coming off (at least not until I'm 100% better- which I'm accepting could take years)

Hope you're all doing well- and pleeeease trust me when I say it does get easier!! :hugs:

28-02-17, 23:34
So pleased for you Conni:yesyes::yesyes:

Definately a rough ride for all of us. I wish we could all find peace in getting well.

Keep up the good work and yeah for Cit:yesyes::yesyes:
