View Full Version : New here. HIV worry.

28-02-17, 23:30
24 year old single mom in the United States. I've had unprotected sex with two men in the last 8 months, both one time encounters. The first one I found out after that he was a recovering IV drug user (he had been clean 6 months) and the second was just your average joe. No history of drug use, big gym rat, etc. about 2-3 months after the encounter with the recovering addict I did the oraquick at home HIV test and it was negative. But I'm still panicked. I went to my doctor today and did an HIV blood test and I'm hoping to have the results tomorrow but I'm terrified. I still breastfeed my daughter so now I'm panicking thinking I have it and I gave it to her. Someone please help me calm down. I am sick to my stomach and crying!

01-03-17, 00:22
I'd say your risk is still pretty low but I'm glad you're doing everything you can to get checked! You're doing everything you can!

I'm sorry that this is so stressful to you. I hope everything is fine!

01-03-17, 00:23
Good job on getting the tests and everything!

I agree with PA. Better to check, but unlikely.

01-03-17, 00:50
Perhaps a visit to the CDC website will help ease your anxiety.
Your risk, per act, if you have unprotected heterosexual sex with an HIV positive person, is 8 in 10,000.


And that is if the sex is unprotected, and if your partner is HIV positive.

You don't know that your partner was infected. If he wasn't, your risk is zero.
A lot of people have used IV drugs in their lives. Most do not have HIV.
Hep C is actually a greater concern, but that is not sexually transmissible.

Anyway; trust your test, trust your doctor, and above all trust the CDC, because they are the foremost experts in transmittable diseases in the country.
And according to them, HIV is not very easy to contract via sex, even if you're having sex with an infected person.

Don't sweat it.

Best wishes.

01-03-17, 01:06
24 year old single mom in the United States. I've had unprotected sex with two men in the last 8 months, both one time encounters. The first one I found out after that he was a recovering IV drug user (he had been clean 6 months) and the second was just your average joe. No history of drug use, big gym rat, etc. about 2-3 months after the encounter with the recovering addict I did the oraquick at home HIV test and it was negative. But I'm still panicked. I went to my doctor today and did an HIV blood test and I'm hoping to have the results tomorrow but I'm terrified. I still breastfeed my daughter so now I'm panicking thinking I have it and I gave it to her. Someone please help me calm down. I am sick to my stomach and crying!

I'm sure you're fine, but this type of fear or "scare" is the greatest deterrent to future careless behavior. Unprotected sex with people you barely know is just something your going to have to stop doing. I have lots of friends that had many "hiv" scares when they where your age, and it was because they always had unprotected sex with people they didn't know that well.
If your going to continue with the behavior this will happen again. Every time you get a fever, sore throat, or any symptom you'll wonder if this time it is HIV. And it does happen. Usually the person you'd least expect to be a "carrier" is the one you catch it from. Going forward, CHANGE - Have sex with a trusted committed partner. Hell, even wait until your married..Sounds old fashion, but those people tend not to have these types of problems.

01-03-17, 01:11
Or just use a condom.

01-03-17, 01:29
I'm sure you're fine, but this type of fear or "scare" is the greatest deterrent to future careless behavior. Unprotected sex with people you barely know is just something your going to have to stop doing. I have lots of friends that had many "hiv" scares when they where your age, and it was because they always had unprotected sex with people they didn't know that well.
If your going to continue with the behavior this will happen again. Every time you get a fever, sore throat, or any symptom you'll wonder if this time it is HIV. And it does happen. Usually the person you'd least expect to be a "carrier" is the one you catch it from. Going forward, CHANGE - Have sex with a trusted committed partner. Hell, even wait until your married..Sounds old fashion, but those people tend not to have these types of problems.

This is true. ^
Those "risks" cited by the CDC are "per act".
So, if your chance is only 8 in 10,000 per act, then if you do it twice, it suddenly doubles to 16 in 10,000. Etc, etc.
By the time you're 40, if you are still having unprotected sex with random people whose status you don't know, your risk will be quite significant. it is cumulative, you see.
Lesson: you are probably fine, for now.
Be careful in the future.

best wishes.

---------- Post added at 01:29 ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 ----------

Or just use a condom.

I have not had good luck with this at all.
I guess the idea is, the guy needs to pull out (while holding the condom on) the second he ejaculates.
I've had many situations where the condom comes off inside me when he pulls out.
They really need to think of a better system.. :(
Condoms are imperfect protection, to say the least.

01-03-17, 02:15
This is true. ^
Those "risks" cited by the CDC are "per act".
So, if your chance is only 8 in 10,000 per act, then if you do it twice, it suddenly doubles to 16 in 10,000. Etc, etc.
By the time you're 40, if you are still having unprotected sex with random people whose status you don't know, your risk will be quite significant. it is cumulative, you see.
Lesson: you are probably fine, for now.
Be careful in the future.

best wishes.

---------- Post added at 01:29 ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 ----------

I have not had good luck with this at all.
I guess the idea is, the guy needs to pull out (while holding the condom on) the second he ejaculates.
I've had many situations where the condom comes off inside me when he pulls out.
They really need to think of a better system.. :(
Condoms are imperfect protection, to say the least.

Aw really? :/ I've never heard of that being a consistent issue! Sorry that happens!! A real bummer ):

Aside from abstinence and the loving/trusting partner, if you're going to have sex a condom is the best protection from STDs - not just pregnancy.

01-03-17, 02:37
Aw really? :/ I've never heard of that being a consistent issue! Sorry that happens!! A real bummer ):

Aside from abstinence and the loving/trusting partner, if you're going to have sex a condom is the best protection from STDs - not just pregnancy.

Yeah, they're the best we've got, for now.
They also make female condoms, apparently; I have not tried these.


01-03-17, 02:56
Feel free to give them a try! They're not as good as male condoms at preventing pregnancy and they can be quite uncomfortable.. but yay for protection!

01-03-17, 03:08
Feel free to give them a try! They're not as good as male condoms at preventing pregnancy and they can be quite uncomfortable.. but yay for protection!

Well, I'm 44... almost beyond the age where I need to worry about pregnancy (hopefully). And I've been abstinent for over a year. But who knows? If I ever meet Mr. Right, maybe I will! ;)

01-03-17, 03:18
I suggest you wear condoms if you don't now the other parties sexual history. We can say with confidence that you didn't catch anything from the recovering I've drug user . THe problem is that anyone can have hiv even your so call "average joe" those sometimes are the carriers of std's (least expect to have anything )

Next time make sure you protect yourself so you won't be in this dilemma . Plus you have a child that you need to take care of .

Hiv and other diseases can be pass through bodily fluids . So better to be safe than sorry

---------- Post added at 03:18 ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 ----------

Or just use a condom.

I agree with the condom use.


01-03-17, 20:40
Thanks guys. I've called the doctors offices 3 times and they keep telling me a nurse will call me back but I've heard nothing back yet. I just want this over with. By the way, they weren't one night stands, I talked to both of them several months before we had sex...it just only happened once. I actually still keep in contact with both of them periodically.