View Full Version : Sudden headache caused by coughing!!

01-03-17, 00:32
I have had a really bad cough and cold for about a week which is really getting me down as I can't sleep. Nights are worse but I've just had another coughing fit and suddenly got a really bad headache, now I am worried I've burst a blood vessel in my brain and I'm in bed worrying about it. Is it possible that could happen from coughing?

01-03-17, 06:55
I think it's more likely muscular.

When my mum has weeks of coughing fits from colds she pulls the muscles around her ribs and it takes a while to heal.

Just clenching your jaw can cause headaches because it causes the muscles around the temples to clench too. It's likely something like this has happened when coughing.

I really doubt a coughing fit could lead to a bleed in the brain, which is a very serious issue. It normally takes a serious head trauma to cause something like that.