View Full Version : Lots and Lots of Worries...Help!

01-03-17, 00:56
Okay two things on my plate right now.

1. I take the pill because my husband and I aren't ready to have babies and I've been on it fo many, many years. Even before I met him. Anyway, every other month it seems that I start my period a little early. This month however I started with like 4 or 5 blue pills still to go in my pill pack. It started slow. With darker blood and it hasn't really picked up like a regular period would but I'm still bleeding. It's been about 5 days and I still have killer cramps. I'm very very worried about cervical cancer and it's making me scared that maybe I won't stop bleeding or something is wrong. My husband says it's just my hormones and to ride it out. All I can think of is something scary happening and losing my ability to have babies one day.

2. I woke up yesterday with such a terrible sore throat. It knocked me down all day and I eventually started to get real bad body aches and sinus pain. I woke up this morning with the sore throat and body aches still as well as blowing my nose with some congestion. My body hurts so much and I'm worried that something is wrong.

Okay there we go. That's what's been on my mind. Maybe the virus I caught is just making my cramps worse because I have body aches or idk. I'm just all over the place. I wish I felt better! Should I go see my doc this week about my period issue or just wait until I finish the pill pack? Do you guys also think I just have a cold?

01-03-17, 01:01
All Women should have annual pap smears. If you have, and it's come back clear you can rest easier. Also, it is cold/flu season and there is A LOT of crud going around this year, join the club!!
Your husband is probably right, hormones will destroy a menstrual cycle.

01-03-17, 01:09
Finish your pill pack and call your doctor just in case she'd like to give it a check out.

There are many reasons why stuff like that can happen even when taking the pill for a long time. Hormones are crazy things and can get off whack with the slightest imbalance. And they can become imbalances for a multitude of reasons! But it never never hurts to call your doctor - even if it is something as small as a pill adjustment better safe than sorry.

01-03-17, 01:49
1. The pill will mess up your cycle, big time. I only took it for a few years, and quit due to the amount of weird/ abnormal periods I was having.

2. The sore throat is unrelated.

Both sore throats in winter and abnormal bleeding while on the pill are common.

You are fine.

Best wishes.

---------- Post added at 01:49 ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 ----------

All Women should have annual pap smears. If you have, and it's come back clear you can rest easier. Also, it is cold/flu season and there is A LOT of crud going around this year, join the club!!
Your husband is probably right, hormones will destroy a menstrual cycle.

In my country (the US) they will no longer administer it more than once every 3 years to once every 5 years, depending on age and history.
Every year is excessive, apparently.
Since cervical cancer takes 9-plus years to develop, they are probably right.
But still, I grew up with the "every year" advice, and waiting five years makes me nervous!