View Full Version : Getting worse.

01-03-17, 10:55
This back ache is getting worse, it started in one place on my left 5 months ago and was more an annoyance than painful, it hurt if i slouched forward and sometimes at the end of my breath. It's now hurting everyday in my left arm at the top if i lift it and now my left ear, teeth and left side of my head are paining too. If i twist my torso it's really painful all down my left and across my left ribs. It's wearing me out and getting me down now, i woke up this morning shattered and waves of adrenaline every few minutes which i know is anxiety but i am really anxious because of this constant pain and worrying it's my lung/heart etc.

01-03-17, 11:28
Have you been to the dr? 5 months is a long time to suffer.

01-03-17, 11:32
Yes i have and had bloods done and oxygen levels checked, lungs listened to and tapped and all ok. The say muscular but it's getting worse, i am waiting for physio.

01-03-17, 13:46
I have to wonder Zippy if your anxiety is keeping you all tightened up and that tenseness is causing the pain.

I had something similar the issue turned out to be minor but my anxiety over it caused my symptoms to expand and be much much worse.

Gary A
01-03-17, 13:55
The sheer volume of people who suffer from chronic muscular pain is vast. This type of thing is ridiculously common, it's not something that will be easily misdiagnosed.

You're waiting on physiotheray, in the meantime, try to keep the area relaxed as much as you can and take some over the counter painkillers.

You need to stop fretting about this, it's painful I'm sure, but the more you attach something sinister to it the harder it will be to ever undo the damage. You won't work as hard at physio as you'll think it's pointless because this is lung cancer or heart disease or whatever.

Give yourself a break. You have a sore back, just like millions of others.

01-03-17, 16:30
I am taking pain killers everyday but they are not really helping.

02-03-17, 12:44
It's even worse today, it's hurting even just sitting and even worse when i do anything like cleaning etc. The part of my back where it started feels like it's like a burning sensation. Paracetamol doesn't even take the edge off it.

02-03-17, 12:47
Sorry you are hurting.

My back hurts most of the time to varying degrees. Last week my hubs got to listen to me whine about it as it was quite uncomfortable.

02-03-17, 12:52
I am just worried because it started in one place and now my arm, shoulder, side down to my hip is really aching and uncomfortable. I have tried a hot water bottle, shiatsu massager, pain killers, laying on the floor on my back, a tennis ball and nothing helps. I have had it for 5 months now and it's getting worse everyday.

02-03-17, 12:57
Mine is always in the same area. My right neck down to my lower right rib cage and to the side

You are worried because you think it is from some undiagnosed cancer. However, in all likelihood it is from stress/anxiety, tight muscles and a mind that is continually monitoring it. This, of course, will make the pain worse everyday.

I could make this back pain into something more than it is but I know that stress/anxiety is pretty much the number 1 cause of back pain and add that I have a few disk issues and I have the answer to my back pain.

02-03-17, 13:06
Because it's been there non stop for 5 months and it's getting worse i think it's my lung or some other organ.

Gary A
02-03-17, 13:11
Because it's been there non stop for 5 months and it's getting worse i think it's my lung or some other organ.

But why? Really, why? Do you think muscular pain can't last that long or something?

02-03-17, 13:22
Because it's been there non stop for 5 months and it's getting worse i think it's my lung or some other organ.

And so is my back pain also my lungs or some other organ? Why, why can it not be purely back pain due to anxiety/stress and last this long? Your argument is not a logical one.

---------- Post added at 08:22 ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 ----------

Zippy --truly--- you can believe your pain is from cancer if you want. However it makes little sense that you discount what stress/anxiety and your reaction to it does to a body.

Just as an aside to explaining what STRESS can do to a body: I have an ACTUAL eye disease caused by stress. CAUSED by stress hormones. So please don't discount what stress/anxiety and the fight/flight hormones do to a body. I am living proof that stress does actual pain etc....

02-03-17, 13:51
I know what stress and anxiety can do to the body because it has to me numerous times but when i get another symptom i just think especially if it get's worse or doesn't go away that it's something sinister and it's different this time which i know is silly.

02-03-17, 13:58
I take it your BWRT therapy isn't helping much?

02-03-17, 13:58
No Pulisa :mad:

Catherine S
02-03-17, 13:59
It's probably best to see how the physio goes Zippy...you might be surprised at how much relief you could get. After all, if we could relieve muscular pain ourselves there'd be no need for trained physiotherapists to do it for us. I know you don't think it will work because you've already tried lots of things and got no relief, but the physio might just do it this time. They'll give you exercises to do to stretch the muscles and give you tips on better posture etc.

ISB ☺ x

02-03-17, 14:00
I wouldn't waste your money on it. Why not go to see a private physio for an assessment-just as a one-off to get you started on some exercises? You'll be waiting ages for the NHS physio.

02-03-17, 14:36
If it takes too long i might try an osteopath, i saw one when i first started with the initial ache and she said my left felt tight and locked but i just never believe anyone when i get something in my head especially when it gets worse and i google.

02-03-17, 17:43
You believe you've got cancer though and this is holding you back from seeking appropriate help ie an osteopath/physiotherapist.

You know that this type of muscular problem isn't going to disappear after just one or two visits though. You have to give the exercises a chance and you also have to learn how to relax your muscles ie progressive muscle relaxation.

02-03-17, 18:16
Same boat for me with any chronic pain, and we all have chronic pain at some point in our lives. When I get something, I dwell and focus on it, which seems to amplify it and make it worse.

I was 21 I thought I had a brain tumor. Headaches everyday and nothing stopped them. They got worse and worse, muscle relaxants did nothing, it was bad. Finally had a cat scan, all clear. Headaches were gone the next day.

He point I am getting at, is the more we dwell on these things, the worse we feel them to be. Try to distract yourself from it.

02-03-17, 18:19
Just worried that it's my lung or heart with reading horror stories. I have had my bloods done, lungs tapped and listened to, oxygen levels checked and all ok.

02-03-17, 18:29
I went a long time without googling. I am talking 13 years without googling.

My wife found a lump just inside her backside, and while it could well be piles, I broke down and googled for the first time in 13 years. It was like an alcoholic slipping and getting back on the bottle. It has made the last few days a complete nightmare. She has an appointment next Tuesday, but I have already gone through scenarios beyond imagination, because of those horror stories, like the ones you mentioned. In my case I have read dozens of colon cancer survivor stories, and am horrified.

The thing is that I am in-eloquently getting at, is that while there might be rare cases in which it is cancer, there are literally millions of people suffering similar pains to you who accept it without issue as muscle pains. Stay away from the internet searches and horror stories--I wish I could go back a few days and remind myself to do the same.

Gary A
02-03-17, 18:32
Just worried that it's my lung or heart with reading horror stories. I have had my bloods done, lungs tapped and listened to, oxygen levels checked and all ok.

Can I just ask, what is the point in posting here if after all the replies you get you just revert back to saying pretty much what you did in your OP?

02-03-17, 18:33
No idea that's the nature of HA!!

Gary A
02-03-17, 18:36
No idea that's the nature of HA!!

Well then try to fight it.

Try to take in what's being said to you here rather than just ignoring it all and repeating yourself.

I know it's because of HA, but you need to fight it.

02-03-17, 18:43
Yeah, just saying "that's the nature of health anxiety" is fine if you're not interested in recovering. If you want a better life, however, you have to recognise that that really is the nature of health anxiety, and then start working on it. And posting on anxiety forums only counts as working on it if you're taking board the advice you receive.

03-03-17, 00:14
No idea that's the nature of HA!!

One has to be careful saying "it is the nature of HA", as if it is license to succumb to it. Just because HA's 'nature' is to seek reassurance, monitor, embrace the irrational, desire/seek/ pursue/ UNECESSARY medical testing, fret, wring hands, self check, etc, etc, does not make it okay or normal. Saying it is the nature of the disorder without Refuting the lies it tells, is, sadly, an excuse that allows the person to not get better. Yes, HA is lying to you. You do not have to accept those lies.

03-03-17, 14:42
I feel really ill today, brain fog, my right arm feels odd and the left side of my back/shoulder/arm is getting worse. I feel shattered and i look it too. I went to drs this morning and she said they can't refer me to anyone else until i see the physio. How can something muscular make me feel so awful? I am getting all kinds of random pains in my left rib cage too.

Gary A
03-03-17, 15:18
I feel really ill today, brain fog, my right arm feels odd and the left side of my back/shoulder/arm is getting worse. I feel shattered and i look it too. I went to drs this morning and she said they can't refer me to anyone else until i see the physio. How can something muscular make me feel so awful? I am getting all kinds of random pains in my left rib cage too.

Because it's making you anxious, which in turn can give you a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

03-03-17, 16:00
I know anxiety can give you all kinds of symptoms but why are all my pains and discomfort on my left where the original pain started and still is.

Gary A
03-03-17, 16:05
I know anxiety can give you all kinds of symptoms but why are all my pains and discomfort on my left where the original pain started and still is.

That's what you'll find out at physio. My guess is it's maybe some inflammation of your tissue causing some kind of nerve issue, but as I said it's really just a guess.

Didn't you ask your doctor these questions?

03-03-17, 16:10
I have told them that i am worried it's my heart or lung but they have just referred me for physio and can't/won't investigate anything until i have been there.

03-03-17, 16:33
I have told them that i am worried it's my heart or lung but they have just referred me for physio and can't/won't investigate anything until i have been there.

Nor should they. Look... I had a really bad flare up of tendinitis in my wrist. I mean the kind of pain that wakes you up at night. It's not anything sinister nor does my mind wander to some far fetched illness. I just take my anti-inflammatory and wear a support brace. It's going on two weeks and it's slowly getting better.

Go to physio, work hard on what they tell you to do and GIVE. IT. TIME.

Positive thoughts

03-03-17, 17:03
Yes 2 weeks i can understand if it's getting better but this is 5 months and getting worse and radiating into more areas.

03-03-17, 17:11
Yes 2 weeks i can understand if it's getting better but this is 5 months and getting worse and radiating into more areas.

:doh: Ok then...

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts.... FMP Out!

03-03-17, 17:25
:doh: lol, i do my own head in Fishmanpa x

Gary A
03-03-17, 17:37
Yes 2 weeks i can understand if it's getting better but this is 5 months and getting worse and radiating into more areas.

So what do you want people to say? Every time anyone responds you just hit them back with a "yeah but..."

Do you just want someone to tell you that you should worry?

03-03-17, 18:19
So what do you want people to say? Every time anyone responds you just hit them back with a "yeah but..."

Do you just want someone to tell you that you should worry?
I think you do, zippy. I think you are anticipating the "told you so" scenario?

Why not just pay to see a private osteopath/physio for an assessment session instead of shelling out for that BWRT therapy which isn't helping?

03-03-17, 18:22
I know Pulisa that's what i keep saying to my partner that this will be something serious after everyones said it's not and i will say " i told you so". He always says on my gravestone will be " i told you i was ill"

Gary A
03-03-17, 18:31
I know Pulisa that's what i keep saying to my partner that this will be something serious after everyones said it's not and i will say " i told you so". He always says on my gravestone will be " i told you i was ill"

If you want someone to tell you that you should worry then you're in the wrong place, frankly.

03-03-17, 18:38
I know Pulisa that's what i keep saying to my partner that this will be something serious after everyones said it's not and i will say " i told you so". He always says on my gravestone will be " i told you i was ill"



Positive thoughts

03-03-17, 19:04
I feel really ill today, brain fog, my right arm feels odd and the left side of my back/shoulder/arm is getting worse. I feel shattered and i look it too. I went to drs this morning and she said they can't refer me to anyone else until i see the physio. How can something muscular make me feel so awful? I am getting all kinds of random pains in my left rib cage too.

*** warning you may not like what my post says as it is meant to challenge the lies that you are telling yourself***

The answer to the above is somewhat a long answer and I don't want to spend tons of time going into how the mind/body works regarding aches and pains and stuff... So I will give a pretty short answer.

1. Anxiety does NOT just affect the mind. Yes you have said you know that but I don't think you really do based on your responses on this thread
2. As long as something scares you, why would it stop??
3. Confirmation bias--- any glitch in your giddy up will automatically fit into your disease scenario

You probably do have tight muscles and you. May even. Have some disk issues (like most. People). Your issues is that you are not doing anything physically or emotionally to get it better. Until you do, hell yeah it can last 5 months, or 6 months or years.

It seems obvious to me that you want X-rays, Ct scans and all of the top notch tests to prove you don't have lung cancer. AND these tests may well relieve you from this worry. Your back would likely quit hurting because 1. your mind will relax allowing your body to relax 2 you will no longer assign the pain as something sinister..... However, your anxious mind will simply hop onto the next fear that comes down the road. And, yes, that is the nature of HA. I say that not as an excuse to succumb to it but as ammunition to combat it. It is on you to deal with this: You can choose to disease hop or you can choose to deal with what is really ailing you.

03-03-17, 19:36
Excellent advice from Sixpack but do you really want to hear it,zippy, or would you prefer a more HA-friendly response?

03-03-17, 20:19
Yes it's excellent advice from sixpack :hugs: x

03-03-17, 20:36
Are you ready to address your anxiety and believe that you are suffering from stress-related muscular pain instead of the condition your HA wants you to believe you have?