View Full Version : New member

01-03-17, 14:27
Hi there all

I'm Chris have suffered anxiety and depression for 30 years, i have worked in that time but I've been out of work more than in, two and a half years ago I was told I was fit for work and my benefits were stopped, I managed to get a part time cleaning Job on zero hours as that was all I could manage , it was ok because I could pick and choose how much I wonted to do. In July 2015 I was doing so well took on a permanent contract 21 hours a week doing hours in the evenings as them hours suited me and all went well till last December when I had what I can only describe as a panic attack in the tattooist but as I have only had 3 or 4 of these attacks and they don't seem to me to be quite the same as what others describe so I'm not sure if they are, (but I guess they must be) since then things have gone from bad to worse, I have been off work since
I'm still waiting to get an appointment at the mental health centre. Things got so bad that I asked my doctor to increase my pregabalin and he did after 3 attempts from 75 too 100 two times a day, I only started to take them on Saturday and have still been talking a 75 in the morning and 100 about 4 pm.(I'm also on 40mgs of citalopram a day) And that's what I am still doing. I'm not feeling any better worse if anything.
I feel more tried and feeling more anxious for a lot longer.
I was just wondering if anyone else has similar experience with pregabalin and could give me any edvice , any help would be much appreciated, sorry if I have written to much and given to much information, this is my first post on here or anywhere like it.

Thanks very much if you took the time to read this and more if you reply,,

All the best chris

01-03-17, 14:34
Hiya Dedreaded and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-03-17, 15:27
Hi Chris and welcome aboard to the NMP Community :) Ahh A fellow cleaner eh!! Hey some one has to clean up after other scutters LOL :) Well depending what you have to clean that is. I have done it all mate:) Had to cut back on my hrs though as I suffer from chronic fatigue sadly it's just one of my conditions I hope its not the same cleaning company I work for beginning with 'I'?? Re meds all I can say is sometimes it's a case of Russian Roulette and the doses have to tweaked here and there, but if it's not working for you I would certainly ask for the meds either to be changed or what ever. Good luck and enjoy your stay! Cheers

01-03-17, 20:55
Hi Chris - I suppose it is good for you to think about whether you feel better or worse when you are working. For some it helps to have the routine and interaction - for others it can all feel a bit too much. The medication is bound to affect how you feel but if you find that you often feel better or worse when you are not working then it might also be linked to that if you see what I mean. Some anxiety sufferers really do need routine and workmates and for others it just adds to the pressure. Good luck with your appointments. :)