View Full Version : Terrified of MS - numb patches on back - any help please :(

01-03-17, 22:20
I'm a long time user on this forum and try my best to avoid seeking reassurance. But I really am almost at rock bottom with my anxiety again. My health anxiety started after my mum died very suddenly in 2010.

Long story short over the past 5 years I have experienced intermittent periods (usually lasting 1-3 months) of awful symptoms that have been attributed to anxiety. They started after I experienced a migraine with aura.

Numb patches in my back - one on the right side near my shoulder blade and one on the left. Also tingling across back.
Left sided very mild tingling/pressure in my face, left hand and left foot. (Sometimes in my right)
Feeling like my body is 'split in half'
Feeling far away and spaced
Brain fog
Feeling tired
Tight band around chest

I have seen a nuerologist and got an MRI of my brain when all these symptoms first started. But I'm still having real trouble accepting these as I keep thinking 'maybe nothing had shown on the MRI as not enough damage had been done'

The numb patches on my back are really weird. I was wondering if anyone knew if these could be from tensing muscles or bad posture because I've noticed I tense my muscles in my back where they are numb and stomach all day and have bad forward head posture.

I also have chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I usually feel best in the evenings when my breathing slowed down.

It's like my anxiety has chosen the only illness that comes and goes (MS) to match the fact that my symptoms come and then go months later.

I've scared myself to death by googling too much. When the symptoms go I feel like myself again and always think 'oh God I'll never get into that fearing MS loop again it was obviously anxiety' but as soon as they're back I think BAM it MUST BE something terrible.

I went back to the Dr's about the back numbness and he told me muscular or postural couldn't cause this (even though other Dr's and Google have told me otherwise) and wants me to go back to a nuerologist but the waiting time is 40 WEEKS...!!!

I would love to hear if you have ever experienced any of these symptoms as I really am struggling.

I had a little baby 9 months ago and I have an underactive thyroid too.

I just want to enjoy my life without all this anxiety.

01-03-17, 22:39
I, and many others on this forum, have had those exact symptoms. Exact symptoms.

Either we have wandered accidentally into an MS support group, or we suffer from anxiety. Trust the MRI. They don't lie, anxiety does.

02-03-17, 00:08
Thank you so much for your reply. Would you mind describing your symptoms that you've experienced? Also do they come and go?

02-03-17, 00:48
Hi! I have also had many "MS symptoms" and a normal brain MRI. I have had several different symptoms. They started a couple months ago with tingling in my left leg...I was getting a vibration feeling like I was standing on a cell phone. The tingling at that time was constant...day and night..never letting up. That lasted several weeks and I still have it but not constantly. I also got tingling down my spine into my butt when I bent my head forward (classic MS sign)... and I have tremors that get better and worse (that worsen in hot water...which I have read is another classic MS sign!). But I keep telling myself the brain MRI is normal so all these symptoms MUST be anxiety.

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

Oh...and I totally understand your frustration about waiting time for a neurologist. I got a letter saying the waiting time is 24-30 MONTHS! Isnt that horrible! Needless to say I will not see someone locally and will have to go to a bigger city to see someone sooner. I do think every symptom you listed could very well be anxiety induced ... and I see you are hypothyroid? That can create many similar symptoms too!

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

One more thing...��... I also think poor posture could contribute to many symptoms like tingling/numbness etc. I have poor posture and wonder if a lot of my symptoms could stem from that!

02-03-17, 15:46
Does anyone else get numb patches on their back? I'm so worried.

---------- Post added at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:29 ----------

So many views but no replies I'm so worried now :(

20-09-17, 20:50
I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to say I have a numb patch on my back and one on my hip too, after 3 neurological exams by 3 different doctors (including a french neurologist while I was living in france) I've decided to trust the professionals when they tell me it's because of my anxiety! the numbness has lasted over 4 months on my back but the hip is recent following a huge anxiety attack. Anxiety is a nasty disease

au Lait
20-09-17, 21:21
I'm sorry that you're going through a rough patch right now. I've experienced similar symptoms. It comes and goes for me as well. I often experience numbness and/or tingling in my pinky finger or pinky toe. Usually on my right side. Not sure why it happens only on one side, but I know that it's not any underlying disease. It's definitely anxiety.

I do get numbness in the muscles of my lower back as well. That's something that's happened on and off my whole life. I used to attribute it to muscle fatigue, but it could be anxiety related fatigue as well. When we're anxious we tense our muscles, and if we're always tense then our muscles and body will be constantly achey. You've had a clear MRI, which is great! That means that the cause has to be anxiety.

Chronic hyperventilation could also cause tingly muscles, since you're continually not bringing in enough oxygen. Since the muscles are constantly oxygen starved they start to feel numb/tingly. Breathing exercises can help. I'm trying to work on better breathing habits too. Chronic hyperventilation is something that I struggle with as well.

20-09-17, 21:35
I've had a numb patch on my right shoulder blades for more years than I can remember and never thought anything of it. If my husband ever tickles me it feels awful like a lack of sensation and numbness. If it's touched hard like during a back massage it feels fine anything light and it's very odd. Never done anything about it

20-09-17, 21:43
This is an ooooold thread. Would be interesting to know how she's getting on, though.