View Full Version : Feeling bad about cancelling plans

02-03-17, 00:09
Hi all,

I just bailed on plans I made with an acquaintance due to anxiety, feeling quite bad about it as he was sort of relying on me :sad:

I know some of you have experienced this, can you reassure me that these things happen (i.e. that I'm not a terrible person!)?

02-03-17, 00:13
I do this all the time. My friends have come to expect it of me, unfortunately... :(

02-03-17, 06:15
I know how you feel. I feel fine making plans at the time and then the dread just builds from then on until I inevitably cancel. There's always those feelings of letting someone down and feeling like a failure for having to resort to it.
You're not alone and I don't think you're a terrible person just for cancelling plans. No doubt whoever these plans were with, if they knew how you felt, they would understand.

02-03-17, 10:29
I don't cancel many plans because I barely make any! :) I have cancelled in the past though when I've been pressured into agreeing to do something. Usually though I have to really fight to get a chance to arrange any plans with someone else, so I don't want to cancel those plans.

02-03-17, 13:10
Thanks all, it's reassuring as always to hear about other people's experiences.

Anxiety sucks...