View Full Version : Unprotected sex

02-03-17, 02:08
I'll get right to the point, 6 days ago I had unprotected sex. I gave oral...and some vaginal Intercourse was involved. I regret it immediately. Worse of all....i had Intercourse with my bf a few days after. 2 times to be exact. Now I am inyj8verge of LOSING MY MIND as I am beginning to realize I could have caught something. First and most terrifying is hiv.... :[ then any other std....the person I had the 1 night stand with assures me he is clean....i know i haven't been with anyone else. This is a nightmare and it's just getting worse as I think I am exhibiting symptoms. For example sore throat...i was sick before the encounter...or diarrhea, i think. I do get stomach problem's every time I'm this stressed out. I am just so depressed anxious and in panic about this. I have already scheduled an appointment to go get tested tomorrow. But then the wait will sure eat me Alive. I am seriously hoping I can get some advice or information or if ANYONE has been through this experience....PLEASE HELP

02-03-17, 03:01
You've done everything that can do. Just try to relax and stay calm. Stay busy to keep your mind off of your worries. It's a horrible situation all together but try to stay positive. I wish you the best and I hope all is well.

02-03-17, 03:29
Are you an anxiety sufferer prior to this?

02-03-17, 03:38
I've been a hypochondriac since I was 11....im 27 now.

02-03-17, 04:12
Too early to test for hiv .

I hope for your boyfriends sake you didn't catch anything .

02-03-17, 04:26
There was a similar thread not to long ago, the responses there where pretty spot on. Unprotected sex with someone you don't know well tends to cause the "what if" type feelings for just about anybody. Some consider one night stands to be a fairly self-destructive behavior. You've put both your health and relationship with your boyfriend at risk. And you've put his health at risk. I know you don't need a lecture and obviously regret it already. But your boyfriend deserves to know you cheated and should have the right to get tested for STD's as well. HIV is just 1 of many STDs.

02-03-17, 04:57
I've been a hypochondriac since I was 11....im 27 now.

Thanks for clarifying. When the first posts of new members pop up about this issue without explaining having a history of anxiety, I wonder whether they have none and just come here for support when they should be heading to a forum about STI's.

Unfortunately with something like this it is a matter of pushing through to the other side. When you find your mind entering into cycles of obsessing try to insert distractions to place your focus elsewhere.

And stay away from user stories about this as you are bound to come across bad ones too and they have no influence on the situation, only on how you are thinking.

You may also struggle to accept the tests as the mind starts to look for any potential crack in the system. This is where it is important to understand the facts as given to you by the medical professionals and to rationalise the anxious thoughts which look for the rare.

02-03-17, 05:19
I know i did wrong. And I can just wait to get tested. What sucks It's the wait and the "what if" having health anxiety does NOT help. I wonder if non-hypochondriacs would be as worried as me��

02-03-17, 05:38
There would be worry, otherwise I'm not sure they would be getting tested in the first place? Their worry just wouldn't interrupt their lives like yours unless they had a good idea the were getting bad news. Plus you have the skewed negative thinking to deal with.

Whilst no can say it will be all clear, no one can say it won't be either and it was once and the guy believes he is clear too. The odds are on your side.

02-03-17, 11:21
You need to tell your bf so that he can go on anti virals sooner rather than later if needed. Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's one thing to worry about your own health but to put someone else's health at risk is selfish.

02-03-17, 11:32
In terms of your own anxiety the chances of having anything serious to worry about is small and the odds are in your favour (but it would be wrong to underplay the fact a small risk is there), but you have put yourself at risk of STIs, and it's right to have a check up to make sure as soon as is possible - there are much commoner and easily spread STIs than the big one you're worrying about.

I don't want to labour this as you're obviously feeling guilty, but don't play with other people's health. You need to completely stop relations with your bf until you have the all clear from everything, and he needs to know the risks he's been put in.

02-03-17, 11:40
Tell your boyfriend. Cheating is bad enough, but to not even protect yourself and then have intercourse with him is something else.