View Full Version : weird twitching!

02-03-17, 04:29
Hello, All!

I'm new to the forum and this is my first post.

I was curious to see if there are any others who've dealt with what I'm currently dealing with. A few days ago, entirely out of the blue, I got a small twitch under my left cheek. It was painless, but continued off and on for a bit throughout the day. That was a few days ago. Since then, the twitches have pretty much stopped. Two days ago, I also got a twitch in my left pinky! I said my goodness, I guess I've had twitches all along and have only started noticing them now, OR something's up! The pinky would move slightly up and down, and it did that for the better part of my evening two days ago. As of today, I have minimal twitch in that finger, but as of last night I also detected a bit of twitching in my left arm, right on the other side of my elbow! As of today, I've only felt that particular twitch a few times. So in short (too late!), I've had twitches in 3 body parts on the left side of my body over the course of the last 3/4 days, and right now, it seems like the twitching is slowing/stopping in all 3 places.
To some, this is no big deal. To my dad, in particular. But my dad merely complained of a bad stomach ache for 2 days before we could convince him to go to the hospital, only to find out that his appendix had ruptured two days previous, and that he was nearly going into septic shock. It turned out well for him in the end, but I mention him to illustrate the point that some people undergo strong physical symptoms of illness and think nothing of it. My twitches, by contrast, seem to be nothing compared to the gravity of his own symptoms of that time. And yet here I am, worried, because I've never remembered feeling such twitches before.
I called the 24-hour nurse connected with my insurance, and she ran me through a battery of tests to see about other symptoms I might be having. As of now, the only symptoms I've had of anything are said twitches. I have no drooping face, no weakened muscles on either side of my body, etc. So the nurse told me that it was likely a benign twitch, and that I should just watch it for a while to see if things got worse.
That didn't do enough to dissuade me from joining this site, obvi :)
First: has anyone had anything similar to what I'm describing? Any thoughts on what could potentially be the underlying cause? Also, I set up a doc appointment next week, if only for some kind of peace of mind; that said, I'm looking for ways to "distract" myself so I'm not always sitting around here thinking about when and where my next twitch will be. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can take my mind off my left hand? Thanks!:)

02-03-17, 04:42
Hiya Dangat and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

02-03-17, 05:28
Hey Dangat, welcome to NMP.

I don't know anyone who hasn't had twitches! I personally get them all the time and have done for many many years. I'm still not really sure what causes them. If you do a search and type the word twitches in you will find about 40 PAGES of posts on the subject.

I understand what you are saying about your dad and him thinking nothing of what was going on in his body, people are all different. Some people worry about nothing (lucky buggers) and others are worry warts all the time. Please don't compare yourself with others, we are all different.

I hope you find the site helpful. Take care.