View Full Version : Flashing lights when eyes are closed.

02-03-17, 13:06
Hi ,

Just wondered if anyone has experienced this. A couple of time now while trying to sleep I see flashing lights. They are really quick flashes , feels kind of electrical ! It's hard to explain.

This morning I was led in bed. Had been awake for a while and it happened again, I closed my eyes and saw really fast flickering/flashing lights. Really freaked me out. I've had an eye test not too long okay and my eyes where healthy , just short sighted.

I also get this vibrating electrical feeling inside my body when I wake up. At first I thought it was my heart beat but it's really fast.

Thanks for reading.

06-03-17, 15:52
Anybody ?

06-03-17, 16:42
It's a common symptom. From this website:

Eyes, Blurred vision, Eyes sensitive to light, Dry, watery or itchy eyes

What you feel:

You may see stars or movements out of the corner of your eyes that don't exist. You may also see flashing lights in your eyes or your vision may seem almost kaleidoscope-like. Sometimes you may feel that there is a dark object or something just on the outside edge of your vision, or that your vision is narrowing.

It seems your vision is blurry or out of focus, and it's more apparent now than before.

There are times when your eyes seem more sensitive to light than at others, even to a point of regular light being too bright so that you have to wear sunglasses or squint.

You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help.

Ciliary muscles relax – pupils dilate focusing on distant items sometimes disturbing your vision or allowing odd colours or floaters to be noticed.

What causes this:

Eyes are nerves. The nerves in the eyes send their information to the brain through the nervous system. When the nervous system is over active, the nerves in the eyes can play tricks on you which means we sometimes receive false information. These symptoms are some of the ways we receive this false information.

None of these symptoms are serious when they are attributed to anxiety disorder. However, it is important that you get a professional medical evaluation completed to ensure your condition is related to anxiety disorder.

07-03-17, 09:10
Thanks for replying kuatir. My anxiety is really bad at the moment. It all started with labrynthitis which I've had for 5 months! And all I seem to do now is worry about my vision.