View Full Version : Tooth removal with sedation

02-03-17, 14:06
I have really bad health anxiety and have put off going to the dentist for a long time, I started getting tooth pain and had to go to the dentist and he said I will need my wisdom tooth removed, I cried as soon as he told me I've been having nightmares over it and it's stressing me out!

I get panic attacks when I'm somewhere and I can't leave so sitting in a dentist chair is like torture I start panicking and I get hot and my chest and ribs get so tight I can't breath and I shake and basically want to run out as I feel so faint.

I need to have sedation which is even worse, I don't want it, I don't want to feel like I'm drunk or not in control, I'm scared I will stop breathing or something will go wrong I'm petrified!

Has anyone else been through this?

02-03-17, 14:36
My sibling had 2 wisdom teeth out with sedation. It wasn't that bad, I waited with them and whilst they were a little 'drunk-like' they weren't fully out of it. I think the thought is worse than the actual procedure.

02-03-17, 16:47
I'm in the exact same possition right now... I'm booked in on the 17th March to have my lower wisdom teeth out.... I've been in agony at times with them so I'm glad to have them out but I'm terrified..... not the actualhaving them out part but the sedation I really scared....

02-03-17, 20:14
Mine is on the 8th and same I'm not scared of having it out I'm just so scared of the sedation. I'm so close to cancelling but I just want it out so It's done and over with so I can stop worrying

02-03-17, 20:24
Don't worry, you are not aware of anything whilst you are under sedation and afterwards you can't remember a thing, it causes total amnesia of the event. You will wake up feeling like you've had a few too many but that soon wears off. You are monitored constantly throughout the whole procedure by trained staff - I was a dental nurse for many years and have assisted in many I/V sedation procedures, it really is nothing to worry about.

02-03-17, 22:21
I've had both my two top and bottom ones out,
the thought is defo worse than the actual procedure.
the sedation isn't that bad and they will monitor you closely during the whole thing and after. other than spurting random nonsense while waiting for it to wear off its not that bad :) x

03-03-17, 00:37
I just had mine out Tuesday. I'm health anxiety sufferer too. I was soscared but tbh it wasn't bad at all. I didn't get a sedation either just local to numb the area. I'm fine, no pain bleeding or swelling. Now it's just salt water to rinse and look after to prevent infection.

You will be fine. I've know had all my wisdoms out. It's a very common procedure. You will be fine. Just don't google anything! People make out and make up horror story's.

---------- Post added at 00:37 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

Sorry forgot to add. If the sedation is making you nervous why not do it without it?

03-03-17, 00:41
4 of my kids have had IV sedation--one to have the root of a broken tooth removed. The other three to have all 4 wisdom teeth out. Each had it done. It took the oral surgeon about 45 minutes to remove all of the teeth. All did incredibly well. One of my kids had ZERO swelling and was eating chips 2 days later :yesyes: It really is not a big deal.

03-03-17, 01:16
It's no big deal and makes for some great Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svAqo0L5poY) videos :roflmao:

Positive thoughts

03-03-17, 02:12
If the tooth is fully erupted it will be out in minutes. Maybe you could do it with oral sedation.

Good luck.

03-03-17, 03:01
You will be ok, I was the worst patient ever! I had a wisdom tooth crack and they had to put me under (iv sedation) I just knew I was a goner! I thought for sure I was going to be that person that died at the dentist. I have 2 small kids so I was freaking out. I walked in told the doctor what drugs I wanted to use as sedation. He looked at me like I was crazy and was like really I've got all this education and experience yet I was telling him what drugs I wanted from all my google research. I felt like an idiot! It really wasn't bad. I felt totally normal after no funny YouTube videos for me. Just get lots of pudding and ice cream! That's the plus side!

03-03-17, 14:05
Can't you just get the area numbed?

My mouth in numb rn, just got a filling XD

04-03-17, 10:38
I will have the area numbed but ask not to have sedation but I just don't want to have a panic attack and faint, I'm hoping the tooth is easy to get out so I don't have to sit in the chair for to long

06-03-17, 14:31
Does anyone know how long it's going to take to remove a wisdom tooth? I don't want to be in the chair for to long

11-03-17, 19:48

went to get the tooth out got in the dentist chair had a massive panic attack burst out crying and ran out the room. They don't offer sedation so will have it out just with local anesthetic. Had to book another appointment which is in too weeks :(

14-03-17, 02:56
Guys , please don't worry. I had a terrible impacted wisdom tooth and I put off having it extracted many times. Finally I decided I just needed to do it. It was really not bad at all. I had IV sedation and I don't remember the procedure at all. The doctor said it was a difficult one to extract and he had to spend extra time on it. So mine was a worst case and I was really fine. The IV sedation really helps things as there will be no anxiety. You won't feel a thing , only the pinch of the IV. They will probably give you some vicodin or painkillers for after and you will sleep like a baby.

10-09-21, 14:45
Ohhh, the wisdom tooth removal. That is a very unpleasant process, but it is not as bad as many people say or think. I would advise you to calm down and forget about this stupid panic. Further, you have to understand that sedation will help you a lot during the surgery. I mean, if you are ready to feel all the pain and see all that blood, then ok, go for it without sedation. But trust me, you will regret it. If there was a smaller issue, like a simple pan, you could have read the homemade tooth filling guide (https://www.dental-detective.com/homemade-temporary-tooth-filling-a-how-to-guide/) and get a temporary filling. However, we are talking about the wisdom tooth, and it is not that simple with it.

oh man, without sedation that's terrible