View Full Version : Freaking Out Time. Eye Lump

02-03-17, 14:44
Hello fellow anxiety sufferers. I have been doing so well lately... well until 2 days ago when I rubbed my lower eye and felt what seemed like a tiny piece of gristle. I convinced myself it was a lump on my eyeball until I pulled my eyelid down and saw a little clear lump with a tiny dot of black in. No pain. Really am freaking out and it's all I can think of. Booked an eye appointment but can only get in for a weeks time. I'm petrified to go and petrified to go to the Dr. Anybody else experienced this? Dr google is not my friend 😪 Xxx

02-03-17, 14:55
My mum had a little lump on her eye for ages, got it checked out and it was totally harmless, didn't give her any vision problems, and eventually went away.

02-03-17, 15:12
Thank you for your response it is so much appreciated. I'm going to brace the walk in tonight if just for peace of mind. I'm so sick of this coming back with a bang �� Xx

06-03-17, 23:35
Well I braved the Dr's and they diagnosed an internal stye. Really struggling to be reassured by this as I have had styes before and never felt like this. There's no pain, no discomfort just a very small hard gritty blackish lump. I'm struggling to calm myself �� X

07-03-17, 00:37
The doctor has seen many more styes than you. Just because your personal experience doesn't line up, doesn't mean the doctor is wrong. My colds don't always feel the same. I've had poison ivy be a rash once and just a few dots another time. Pimples can be black heads or white heads.

I'd trust the doctor on this one.

07-03-17, 17:24
I know you are so very right, Health Anxiety is an evil condition and will not let our sane conscious prevail. Thank you for responding x

10-03-17, 16:04
Been to the opticians today and just as I thought the Dr was wrong it isn't a stye. The optician has said it's a water filled cyst. My concern is that the lump isn't soft but hard and gritty and if the dr has got it wrong then surely the optician can too. I'm so upset with myself right now and don't trust any diagnosis. How can I get myself out of this cycle? I'm driving myself insane. It's the tiniest lump and if was on my face I'm not sure I would be as concerned. Why am I torturing myself like this ��

10-03-17, 21:46
I don't see the problem. So a doctor was wrong about a harmless condition. If I went to the doctor with a cough and a sneeze, and he told me I had a cold, and then I went to another doctor and he said I had a flu, I wouldn't lose all faith in doctors.

Doctors know the difference between harmful and harmless and that is all I care about. They make educated assumptions based on observations and evidence. Even tests aren't 100% accurate.

Sounds like a harmless thing that will go away with time.

10-03-17, 23:28
Agree with Toaster. The two are often confused as the same. The only real difference is in the rate they can grow and both, when treated resolve and are not sinister. Either way there's nothing to be concerned about.

Positive thoughts

14-03-17, 17:14
I'm in a downward spiral at the moment worst I've ever felt. I'm hoping I hit my peak, tire myself out and calm myself down. I'm onto a small swelling in my mouth now and am barely thinking about the eye lump. It is exhausting. Surely I have to wear myself out soon? Really appreciate your responses xx