View Full Version : Need reasurance PLEASE

21-04-07, 20:39
i was diagnosed with ibs 3 months ago..since being diagnosed i felt it was the end of everything for me. :weep: i had the worst bout of ibs which has still continued!! my docs have diagnosed me as anxious, and have given me meds.i took these meds and have ended up with worse effects...as now i get palpitations and a burning chest..but im not sure whether i was going to get these anyway, or if the meds have brought them on.
a bit about myself: im 20 years old and i am at university and havnt been back since the easter holidays, i have stopped revising for my exams, as i think i'd be better off just dropping out, i absolutely loved my course and achieved brilliant results in semester one...university was my life.
once i was diagnosed with ibs, i was really upset but only told my best friend, i was warned wen i was diagnosed that if i dnt control my anxiety i will end up with worse things than ibs!! So thats wat happened! i ended up a week later with ectopics, then a week later with tension headches and now with anxiety and panic attacks...i really need some advice..im going round in circles.

21-04-07, 23:22
Hi,there is a light at the end of the tunnel.I was told I had ibs years ago,I personally dont think I have that.I think my problems have all been down to my anxiety and depression.It causes so many problems and one of mine is problems with my tummy.Meds can cause side affects but they do tend to settle down.If your happy with the meds ask them to be changed.All the symptoms your having are down to the anxiety..We are all here to support you pet.:hugs:

21-04-07, 23:59
Thanks Ellen!
If you don't mind can i ask if it was your IBS that came first or was it anxiety? I think it was ibs for me first which has caused all the anxiety..

22-04-07, 22:57
anxiety for me I think.It was along time ago.I used to get pains in my tummy and then was told it was ibs.

23-04-07, 17:38
DONT DROP OUT!!!!! You'll be letting the anxiety win! You can do it, as hard as it may seem!

23-04-07, 23:27
i was diagnosed with ibs 3 months ago..since being diagnosed i felt it was the end of everything for me. :weep: i had the worst bout of ibs which has still continued!! my docs have diagnosed me as anxious, and have given me meds.i took these meds and have ended up with worse effects...as now i get palpitations and a burning chest..but im not sure whether i was going to get these anyway, or if the meds have brought them on.
a bit about myself: im 20 years old and i am at university and havnt been back since the easter holidays, i have stopped revising for my exams, as i think i'd be better off just dropping out, i absolutely loved my course and achieved brilliant results in semester one...university was my life.
once i was diagnosed with ibs, i was really upset but only told my best friend, i was warned wen i was diagnosed that if i dnt control my anxiety i will end up with worse things than ibs!! So thats wat happened! i ended up a week later with ectopics, then a week later with tension headches and now with anxiety and panic attacks...i really need some advice..im going round in circles.

I have had IBS for around 6 years, and personally find that diet and lifestyle can affect and cause the symptoms, and also cure them. I dont take mediaction as I found nothing really works for me but everyone is different.

What are your symptoms? There's loads of info on IBS on the internet. You should follow a healthy balanced diet and try elimiating things with wheat/gluten/dairy in to see if they make it worse.

Are you anxious because you have IBS and you are worried about being seriously ill? Because if thats the case then you dont need to worry, its not life threatening and is managable.

Or are you anxious because you have a lot on with Uni? Sometimes you have to get to the deep root of the problem, it might be something underlying, might be because of exams etc or something else? Is there a counsellor at Uni you can visit? This will really help.

Also, dont take Ibuprofen or Nurofen too often, this can make your IBS worse. Stick to paracetomal or co-codomal (not just for IBS, for any other aches/pains/colds/flu)

Have you tried Rescue Remedy or any other Bach Remedies? I highly recommend them.

If you let me know what IBS symptoms you suffer I will see if I can find any dietary advice for you. (You can pm this info if you like.)

24-04-07, 18:40
I wouldn't drop out either, especially if you loved it. IBS can be controlled for the most part w/diet...you will soon learn the foods to avoid, and the foods you need to eat more of.

Don't let this stop you from doing what you want...while it certainly is an inconvenience it definitely is not an end all.

Good luck to you,

12-05-07, 20:48
hi carlabarbie, sorry for the late reply.
well i went to see a specialist and iv been put on a dairy/lactose free diet, i dont want to speak too soon but i think its working! im just revising for my exams at the moment, my symptoms vary so much...it all starts with getting loose stool, then i get acid reflux, gas, bloated tummy, pains..but the thing that was really getting me down was the fact that these symptoms were not going! they were constant...literally from the morning till i went to sleep i was feeling like this, and i probably did make it worse by feeling so down about it but wat else cud i do?

13-05-07, 16:44
hi carlabarbie, sorry for the late reply.
well i went to see a specialist and iv been put on a dairy/lactose free diet, i dont want to speak too soon but i think its working! im just revising for my exams at the moment, my symptoms vary so much...it all starts with getting loose stool, then i get acid reflux, gas, bloated tummy, pains..but the thing that was really getting me down was the fact that these symptoms were not going! they were constant...literally from the morning till i went to sleep i was feeling like this, and i probably did make it worse by feeling so down about it but wat else cud i do?

Hopefully avoiding dairy/lactose will cure it then! Your symptoms do sound horrible, I sympathise.

Make sure you keep updating your doctor/specialist on your progress, so that they can continue helping you.

I hope you feel much better very soon.:hugs: