View Full Version : Was given a huge opportunity at work - Worried I'll screw it up

02-03-17, 15:24
Has anyone received an amazing opportunity at work and worried about failing miserably? I'm talking about an opportunity that if I succeed, it will propel me through the company at lightspeed. But who knows what will happen if I fail.

My boss specifically came to me to give me this opportunity, and to replace another guy who was just not meeting expectations. (Everyone knew this.) I'm scared that I'm no better than that guy.

02-03-17, 15:41
Do you have the ability to do the job correctly?

02-03-17, 16:43
I'm going to lean towards yes. The fact that my boss wanted me to do it and complimented my work thus far has me feeling pretty good.

02-03-17, 16:56
Well thats a great start.

Trust your ability, give it your best, show eagerness, and speak up if you need assistance.

Can't ask for more than that.

03-03-17, 16:36
Thanks SLA.

I had a few meetings with my bosses to show the current state that the last guy left the application in. So they are going to be pretty chill with me, since I have already in 3 days shown more aptitude than he did in 6. (Their words).

I feel much better now. Thanks again.

03-03-17, 21:45
Your boss came to you which means they see the potential in you, that is fantastic, grab that opportunity and go for it, you can do this, good luck and be great

04-03-17, 05:30
Anyone who has ever gotten a promotion has felt this way :) Taking on new, bigger roles is always nerve-wracking and at first it feels like you're stumbling through the dark. But give it time and you'll find your way, and because you clearly have the potential, you'll do great.

At the end of the day, all we can control is how much effort we put in. Try your hardest and use good judgment, and the rest will fall in place.

Clydesdale Epona
04-03-17, 10:37
I felt the same way last Saturday when one of my bosses asked me to take someone for a ride(I've always been the second in command who tags along with them and makes the person feel calm/have a chat ect) but my bosses were ill so I had to take on the responsibility and even it did terrify me to death I just took a few breaths and thought about it, if they're asking you then clearly it means they think you're good enough and have faith within you, you can do it :)

All the best :hugs:

04-03-17, 14:49
It was terrifying. The guy before left the project in shambles. We just invested a ton more money in the project, and there's focus on the project from the executive level. I'll have regular meetings with Directors, VPs, and the CEO, so its a wee bit intimidating.

I had a moment where I thought maybe my boss put me in the position so I'd fail and he could can me. I realize that they wouldn't waste the money and honestly trust me.

Thanks everyone!