View Full Version : tail bone known as your coxic bone can this be cancer

miss motown
21-04-07, 22:08
sorry to post againe but need some reasurance.ive been getting this pain on my coxic and around the bottom of my stomach i had a bad time with my smear last week and the nurse had to get another nurse to do it ive been out of my mind with worry and now i have this other pain i am convinced i have either cervix cancer ur bowl cancer and i carnt seem to think of anythink else. i do suffer from ibs and have done for years i once read somewere that it could turn to bowl cancer i suppose i shouldent google ur read but when your worried i guess you have to

22-04-07, 20:03

Firstly, let me reassure you that there is no evidence to link IBS to bowel cancer. Some inflammatory bowel diseases can give a higher risk of bowel cancer, but IBS is not an inflammatory bowel disease and there is no more chance of an IBS sufferer getting bowel cancer than a non sufferer. I have never quite accepted my IBS is not something worse, as I have ongoing symptoms, but my doctors do their best to reassure me, and have told me the symptoms to be concerned about (unexplained anaemia, weight loss, rectal bleeding in large quantities or dark blood).

I often get pain in my coccyx and I have been to the GP with it, and been told I apparently have a mobile tail bone. Nothing they can do about this but I think it's made worse when I'm constipated. Makes sitting down uncomfortable at times.

I do think that when we are anxious we are on "high alert" for any symptoms and these are magnified. As you are worrying about your smear, you are probably far more focused on your body than you were a week or so ago, and therefore you'll notice all manner of things that you haven't noticed before.

I PM'd you about your smear, hopefully you got that. If you want to chat about anything, please feel free to PM me.

And if you're worried, go and speak to your GP. 5 minutes with the doctor could make you feel so much better if you are concerned about your symptoms.

Take care

miss motown
22-04-07, 21:53
thankyou lass i have been worried over boyh this and my smear i did try and reply to you but with being new to this i didnt no how to thanx very much for your replys