View Full Version : Burning feet and legs, pain in lower back.

02-03-17, 23:53
Has anybody had experience with this? Im a full blown HA hypochondriac, no doubt about it, and i tend to think every niggle is the C word. But im a bit worried about a sensation ive been having in my legs and feet for the last 5 days or so.

It feels like my leg (mostly the right but the left foot has been guilty of it a few times) is being dipped in warm water, whilst the rest of my body stays at normal temperature. Sometimes its just my foot (infact its my foot most often) but it happens in my legs aswell both the bottom and thigh area. Infact when i sit down on the sofa and stretch my leg out in front of me on the coffee table and keep twisting, manouvring my foot in different positions i can sort of make it happen eventually in my foot.

Now ive been suffering with a bad lower back for the last 3 weeks, i dont normally suffer with back pain, its something i hear other people suffering with but always avoided it, i think i started it by doing some work which involved me leant over for long periods of time and by just being lazy in general and not bending properly.

Can this be the cause of my warm/hot sensations? I have asked some friends and a few of them have said it could be a trapped nerve, or a problem with my sciatic nerve, would it cause these sensations im getting? At first i thought it meant i had a blood clot and freaked out then i thought it meant i was going to have a heart attack. Can't get in the docs for 2 weeks but will be asking him then.

Thank you

03-03-17, 01:59
Sounds like it could be sciatica. I've had exactly the same symptoms as your describing over the last week, and I have a lower back problem. Try some anti inflammatory tabs and alternating between ice and heat on your back.